—The Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser of this day says:—Up to yesterday morning the following military companies of this State had responded to the proclamation of the Governor, calling for 3,000 and 5,000 volunteers, respectively, for the service of the Confederate States. The list comprises fifty-one companies, which completes the requisition for 3,000, and furnishes eleven companies, or nearly a thousand men, in response to the last requisition for 5,000. There is no doubt but that in a few days the balance of the last 5,000 will be offered and accepted. Alabama has now actually in the field and ready to march about 5,400 troops. Notwithstanding this fact, the war fever has just begun to rage; and, if necessary, we verily believe that the number could be increased to forty or fifty thousand in thirty days. There are perhaps twenty counties in the State that have not as yet furnished a man, but will certainly do so. Of these troops, two regiments have already been ordered to Virginia.
—John Bell and Edwin H. Ewing, at a public meeting held at Nashville, Tenn., declared themselves in the strongest and most emphatic terms for “resistance to the attempted subjugation of the South.”—(Doc. 89.)
—Governor Moore, of Louisiana, issued an address, calling for 5,000 additional State troops. He says:—”The Government at Washington, maddened by defeat and the successful maintenance by our patriotic people of their rights and liberties against its mercenaries in the harbor of Charleston, and the determination of the Southern people forever to sever themselves from the Northern Government, has now thrown off the mask, and, sustained by the people of the non-slaveholding States, is actively engaged in levying war, by land and sea, to subvert your liberties, destroy your rights, and to shed your blood on your own soil. If you have the manhood to resist, rise, men, pride of Louisiana, in your might, in defiance of your dearest rights, and drive back this insolent, barbaric force. Like your brave ancestry, resolve to conquer or perish in the effort; and the flag of usurpation will never fly over Southern soil. Rally, then, to the proclamation which I now make on the requisition of the Confederate Government”
A number of parishes in Louisiana appropriated ten thousand dollars each for the support of the volunteers, and pledged themselves to pay fifty thousand dollars a year each as long as the war shall last.
A meeting of five hundred of the ladies of New Orleans, was held at the St. Charles Hotel, for the purpose of making arrangements for the holding of a fair to raise money for clothing the Louisiana volunteers.—N. Y. Herald, April 26.
—The Western Pennsylvania Regiment passed through Philadelphia for the seat of war. It consists of the following companies:—State Zouaves, Captain Seagrist; Turner Rifles, Captain Emlen; Seaborn Guards, Captain Winch; Ringgold Rifles, Captain Lawrence; Scott Artillery, Captain Medler; Union Light Infantry, Captain Corley; Columbia Infantry, Captain Brannan; State Guards, Captain McDowell. The whole are under the command of Lieut. Col. P. C. Cress and Major R. B. Petriken.— Phila. Inquirer, April 24.
—The New Orleans papers are convinced from the language of the Northern press, and from every possible manifestation of public opinion, that “a very considerable proportion of the people at the North are actuated by an impulse of blind, irrational and insensate hatred towards the South.”—(Doc. 90.)
—First South Carolina Regiment of Volunteers left Charleston for the seat of war on the Potomac. As the troops left for the depot in groups, there was the warm, hearty shaking of hands, the friendly “God bless you,” and the silent prayer of brothers, sisters, and mothers, offered up for the safety of South Carolina’s gallant sons, who. after months of hard service in the camp, have nobly volunteered, at the shortest notice, and without even an opportunity to visit their homes, to march to the assistance of the Old Dominion, “the Mother of States and Statesmen,” in the day of her trial.
The call made upon South Carolina has been promptly responded to. Gov. Pickens has been perfectly overwhelmed with offers of brigades, battalions, regiments, and companies, all desirous of being accepted as volunteers for Virginia. The reverence felt for her soil by South Carolinians is only equalled by the spirit and enthusiasm of the people to be the first to defend her, and, if necessary, with the best blood of the State.—Charleston Courier, April 24.—(Doc. 91.)
—An immense Union meeting was held at Brooklyn, N. Y. Robert J. Walker delivered an eloquent and forcible speech in defence of the Constitution and laws. Meetings were also held at Albion and Whitehall, N. Y., and Woodstock, Vt. At the latter, Senator Collamer spoke.—(Doc. 92.)
—The Eighth, Thirteenth, and Sixty-ninth Regiments of New York State Militia left New York for Washington.—(Doc. 93.)
—General B. F. Butler has taken military possession of the Annapolis and Elk Ridge Railroad in Maryland. Governor Hicks protests against the act, “ as it will interfere with the meeting of the Legislature.”—(Doc. 98½.)
—Sherman’s celebrated battery, consisting of ninety men and eight howitzers, passed through Philadelphia, Pa., on the route to Washington. The train containing the troops stopped in Market street, between Fifteenth and Sixteenth, which was immediately observed by the ladies of Benton street, who rushed out and vied with each other in their attention to the weary soldiers. Bread, meat, pies, and cakes, were brought forward in goodly supplies, hundreds of girls running with hot dinners just from the ranges; bakers with baskets of bread and cakes; fruiterers with baskets of apples, oranges, &c., were quickly upon the ground. The men said that they were thirsty, and in a trice there were a dozen pretty girls handing up cups of water. After the battery had been thus refreshed, a collection was taken up, and the soldiers were supplied with enough segars and tobacco to last for some days. The military cheered continually for the ladies of Philadelphia, and as the train moved off, they gave nine hearty cheers for Philadelphia, the Union, the Constitution, and the success of the Federal arms in the South.—Phila. Inquirer, April 24.