—A remarkable feature in the present war excitement is the alacrity with which citizens of foreign birth or origin, and even those who are not naturalized at all, are hastening to the defence of the Government and the national flag. There is hardly a foreign country represented in the North, the children whereof are not organizing regiments and tendering their services to the Government. —N. Y. Herald, April 27.
—Rumors of an attack on Fort Pickens continue to receive credence in some quarters.
—The Portsmouth (Va.) Transcript of the 23d April says:—”Despatches received last night give important and glorious news. Fort Pickens was taken by the South. The loss on our side is said to be heavy. One despatch states the loss on the side of the South at 2,500 men; but the victory is ours.”
Immediately after the above, the Baltimore Sun says that it is enabled to state “on the authority of a private despatch, received in this city last night, that the report of the battle is incorrect.”
—The Twenty-fifth Regiment of N. Y. State Militia, from Albany, with a party of regulars and one hundred and seventy-five men of the Seventh New York Regiment left New York for the seat of war— N. Y. Tribune, April 25.
—A volunteer company was organized at Sag Harbor, and $3,000 subscribed by the citizens for the benefit of the families of the volunteers.—Idem, April 26.
—Daniel Fish, gunmaker, of the city of New York, was arrested and handed over to the custody of the United States Marshal on a charge of treason, and misprision of treason, in having sent off large quantities of arms for the use of the Southern traitors. The correspondence and bills of lading found in his possession abundantly sustain the charge. A man calling himself Dr. Sabo, was also arrested, and is now in the bands of the United States authorities for recruiting men for the Southern navy. The papers which he used for the purpose were headed “United States of America,” and purported to be authorized by the United States Collector and Naval Officer of Charleston. As there are no such officers at that port acting in behalf of the United States of America, it is evident that the intention was to enlist men under a false pretence, and, after getting them to Charleston, impress them into the service of the C. S. A.—N. Y. Tribune, April 25.
—Messrs. Hotchkiss & Sons, of Sharon, Connecticut, offered the Governor of their State a bronze rifled cannon, (16-pounder,) and all of their patent projectiles which can be fired from it during the war. Gov. Buckingham has accepted the gift. They also offered to produce additional rifled cannon and projectiles at cost—Idem.
—Beriah Magoffin, Governor of Kentucky, issued a proclamation calling upon the State to place herself in a state of defence; and convening the Legislature on the 6th day of May, to take such action as may be necessary for the general welfare.—(Doc. 94.)
—The Navy Department at Washington signified its approbation of the loyalty, spirit, and good conduct of William Conway, an aged seaman, doing duty as Quartermaster in the Warrington Navy Yard, Florida, at the time of its surrender, in promptly and indignantly refusing to obey, when ordered by Lieutenant F. B. Renshaw to haul down the national flag.—National Intelligencer, May 3.
—There was an immense Union meting at Detroit, Michigan. General Cass presided and delivered a short but effective speech.—(Doc. 95.)
—Two thousand federal troops are stationed at Cairo, Illinois. Of these, says the Charleston Courier of the 30th April, “fully three hundred are supposed to be negroes, and the remainder have been picked up from the gutters of Chicago, and among the Dutch. A force of one thousand firm-hearted Southern men would drive them from the place, if the attack was properly made.”
—The members of the Brown High School at Newburyport, Mass., raised the American flag near their school building in the presence of a large concourse of citizens. Patriotic speeches were made by Caleb Cushing and others.—(Doc. 96.)
—John Letcher, governor of Virginia, issued a proclamation authorizing the release of all private vessels and property seized by the State except the steamships Jamestown and Yorktown; advising the people to return to their usual avocations, promising them protection, and appealing to them “not to interfere with peaceable, unoffending citizens who preserve the peace and conform to our laws.”—(Doc. 97.)