Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events – April 26, 1861

April 26, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

—Governor Brown of Georgia issued a proclamation prohibiting the payment of all debts to Northern creditors till the end of hostilities, and directing the payment of money into the State Treasury, to be refunded to depositors with interest at the end of the war.—Montgomery Weekly Post, May 1.

—The enthusiasm of the people at the West in rallying for the defence of the Union, far exceeds the expectations of the most sanguine Republicans. Throughout the entire Northwest there is a perfect unanimity of sentiment. Ten days ago, men who now cry, down with the rebels, were apologizing for the South—justifying its action, and wishing it success. Every town in Illinois is mustering soldiers, and many of the towns of five or six thousand inhabitants have two and three companies ready for action. Companies are also formed for drill, so that, in case of need, they will be prepared to march at any moment. Money is poured out freely as water, and ladies unite in making shirts, blankets, and even coats and pants for the soldiers. Arrangements have been made to take care of the families of the soldiers during their absence. All say, none shall fight the battles of their country at their own expense.— Cor. Boston Transcript, May 1.

—The steamer Daniel Webster from New York, arrived at the bar at the month of the Mississippi, and received orders to return immediately for fear of seizure. The tug boat Tuscarora came alongside, and took four passengers off. The Webster left before the others could get ashore.—N. Y. Commercial, May 1.

—A meeting of the citizens of the Seventeenth Ward, N. Y., was held, to take action in behalf of the families of volunteers from that district.

B. R. Winthrop occupied the chair. Resolutions were adopted, and speeches were made by F. A. Conkling, Chauncey Schaeffer, John Cochrane and others.—N. Y. Tribune, April 27.

—A Union meeting at Bedford, Westchester county, N. Y., this afternoon, on the occasion of raising the flag, was addressed by Senator Hall, John Jay, Rev. M. Bogg, of the Episcopal Church, Rev. Mr. Ferris, Dr. Woodcock, Dr. Shores, Mr. Hart, Captain of the Bedford company, Mr. Brown, of the Croton Falls Company, and others.—N. Y. Times, April 27.

—John W. Ellis, governor of North Carolina, issued a proclamation calling an extra session of the General Assembly of the State, and deprecating the proclamation of President Lincoln asking for troops.—(Doc. 108.)

—The bridges over Gunpowder River on the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad were burned by the rebels of Baltimore. The bridge over Bush River, on the same route, was destroyed last evening about sundown.—N. Y. Herald, April 28.

—The Baltimore Sun of to-day, has a leader which seems to indicate that the conservative influence is gaining ground in that city. It emphatically declares that it is not a secession paper. It says that the passage of an ordinance of secession by the Legislature would be an arrogation of power not vested in it. It favors calling a State Convention, the delegates to be elected directly from the people. It denies the stories of violence to Union men at Baltimore. There is a great feeling among business men of the city for the re-establishment of trade, and silent conservatism is changing gradually to open Unionism—N. Y. Times, April 27.

—A large meeting of the ladies of Syracuse, N. Y., was held, to organize for providing supplies for the volunteers. Mrs. E. W. Leavenworth was made president, Mrs. H. W. Chittenden, vice-president, and Mrs. J. B. Burnet, treasurer.

The Common Council of Buffalo, N. Y., yesterday appropriated $85,000 to equip the Sixty-fifth and Seventy-fourth Regiments.—N. Y. Times, April 27.

—The Seventh Regiment of New York took the oath to support the Constitution of the United States, at the War Department, in Washington; not a man flinched; the scene was most impressive.

—Moses Herrick of the Beverly Company, Eighth Massachusetts Regiment, met with an accident by the discharge of a gun.—N. Y. Tribune, April 29.

—The Federal Government is taking most energetic measures to carry out the blockade of the ports of the seceded States. All the available war vessels are put into service. Mercantile steamers are also taken up, and such as are not used for purposes of transportation are being fitted out as gunboats, to cruise off the coast and run up shallow waters.—N. Y. Herald, April 27.

—William Burton, governor of Delaware, issued a proclamation calling out volunteers to defend the Union.—(Doc. 104.)

—A meeting of the ladies of the congregation of Trinity church, and of St. Paul’s, St. John’s, and Trinity chapels, in New York, to the number of about one hundred and fifty, took place in the Sunday-school room, of St. John’s chapel, for the purpose of providing articles for the hospitals and the use of the United States Army. —N. Y. Courier & Enquirer, April 27.

—The steam-tug Yankee, armed with two heavy guns, left New York to join the blockade of the Southern ports.—N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, April 27.

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