Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events – April 27, 1861

April 27, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

—Several new military departments were created by the subdivision of the military department of Washington.—(Doc. 105.)

—The Virginia Sentinel of to-day, says, “Our people must rest quiet upon the fact that the military preparations for our defence are under the direction of shrewd, skilful, indefatigable, experienced and patriotic officers. Our commanding general, Robert E. Lee, has long been the pride of the service, and he is supported by subordinates of acknowledged capacity and large experience.

“The plans of our Government are, of course, not suitable matter of public proclamation. Our military boards keep their own counsels, as it is obviously proper they should do. The people should patriotically abstain from even the attempt to unriddle them, for the wisest plans are often baffled by disclosure, however made. Let us trust with a generous confidence those to whose hands we have committed the conduct of affairs, and prepare ourselves to sustain them with all the power of a united and courageous people.”

—Five men were arrested at the Navy-yard, at Washington, where they were employed, having been discovered filling bomb-shells with sand and sawdust., instead of the proper detonating material. They were confined in the Capitol, under guard of the Seventh Regiment. —N. Y. Times, May 1.

—The Fifth and Eighth Massachusetts Regiments arrived at Washington yesterday morning, followed immediately by the Rhode Island forces.

This morning, about six o’clock, the Seventy-first New-York marched in from Annapolis Junction. It made a magnificent appearance as it swept down the Avenue, with its full bands playing. The men looked less fatigued than those of either of the other regiments, and were warmly commended by the citizens as they passed, and by the officers and men of the other regiments who were out to witness their entrance into the city. Next to the Massachusetts men they showed the greatest capacity to endure fatigue.—(Doc.106.)—The World, May 1.

—Southerners employed in the departments at Washington resigned and left for the South, refusing to take the prescribed oath of fealty to the Constitution of the United States.—(Doc. 107.)

Winslow, Lanier & Co., of New York, offered Governor Morton of Indiana the sum of twenty-five thousand dollars for the purpose of arming and equipping the quota of volunteers from Indiana.—N. Y. Com. Advertiser, April 27.

—A number of residents of Virginia passed through Chambersburg, Pa., en route for the North. Many of them have left every thing behind, and are obliged to depend upon the charities of the people to continue their journey. All who come from as far south as Richmond, could get out of the State only by a special permit from Governor Letcher. Their statements show that a reign of terror exists in the interior of Virginia. The mob everywhere appropriate to their own use whatever they may fancy; farmers are stopped on the road, their horses taken from them under the plea that they are for the defence of the South; granaries are searched, and every thing convertible for food for either man or beast carried oft This has been practiced to such an extent that along the northern border of Virginia a reaction is taking place, and instructions are being sent from Western Maryland, to the Delegates at Annapolis, that if they vote for secession the people will hang them on their return home. The news of the unanimous sentiment of the North, the prompt and decisive action on the part of the State Governments in enlisting men, has strengthened the Union men of Western Maryland and the border counties of Virginia.—N. Y. Tribune, April 28.

—A sudden and wonderful change takes place in the sentiment of Maryland. The American flag was raised at Hagerstown, and extensive preparations are being made for further Union demonstrations.

Allegheny county has instructed its representatives that if they vote for secession, they will be hung on their return home. The Stars and Stripes are waving over Frederick City. The Home Guard refuse to parade unless its folds are displayed, and the tune of Yankee Doodle played. At the Clear Spring House the Stars and Stripes are waving, and the miners have sworn to resist secession to the death.— N. Y. Courier & Enquirer, April 28.

—The steamer O. E. Hillman, from St. Louis, bound for Nashville, was abandoned by her officers previous to reaching Cairo, Illinois. The deserted steamer was found to contain one thousand kegs of powder, and other contraband articles.

At the same place, the steamer J. D. Perry, from St. Louis to Memphis, was brought to. Nothing of a contraband character being found on board, she was allowed to proceed on her trip.—N. O. Picayune, April 30.

—A southern Rights meeting was held in Warsaw, Mo. Resolutions were unanimously adopted favoring immediate secession; requesting the Governor to repel any attempt of the Administration to march troops through Missouri for the purpose of making war on the Southern States, or to reinforce the forts and arsenals in Missouri; and complimenting the Governor for refusing to send Lincoln the quota of troops called for.—N. O. Picayune, April 30.

—S. H. Needham, a private in the Sixth Massachusetts regiment died this morning at Baltimore. He was struck on the back of the head with paving stones at the riot, having his skull fractured. He had spoken but a single word since then, which was in answer to a question whether he had a family, when he said “No.”—Boston Transcript, April 29.

—A meeting was held around the Washington Elm, at Cambridge, Mass., to give expression of the sentiments of the citizens of that vicinity upon the present troubles. John Sargent occupied the chair, and opened the meeting with a brief speech, in which he declared it to be the duty of every American to support the Government.—Boston Sat. Express, April 27.

—The “New York Ladies’ Relief Union” issued a circular suggesting “the importance of systematizing the earnest efforts now making by the women of New York for the supply of extra medical aid to the federal army, through the present campaign.”—(Doc. 108.)

—There is one strong, deep-rooted determination in Massachusetts, which seems to pervade all classes, old and young; and that is—if the country needs their services, they will stand ready to answer to the order—” Forward—march !” The young men are all desirous of going to the war, any how; and the old men are equally desirous to march, IF NECESSARY —Boston Saturday Express, April 27.

—Governor Hicks delivered a message to the Maryland Legislature. It briefly details the startling events which induced him to assemble that body.—(Doc. 109.)

—The rebel army stationed at Richmond, numbers three thousand and seventy-two men, of which about six hundred are South Carolina troops under the command of Brig.-Gen. M. L. Bonham.—Richmond Enquirer, April 27, and N. Y. Herald, April 30.

—A number of French residents of New York held a meeting this afternoon for the purpose of taking measures with reference to the present state of the country. Messrs. Fremont, Quesne, and Faidu were appointed a Committee to conduct the proceedings. M. Victor Faidu stated the object of the meeting, and proposed that it be made preliminary to a general meeting of French citizens for their proper organization to participate in the present conflict—it was their duty to support the Government of the United States in this strife between human liberty and freedom against slavery and feudal oppression. M. Fremont offered resolutions tendering the support of French citizens, to the United States, but he hoped that the government, if the contest was carried to the extreme, would guarantee the total abolition of slavery. —N. Y. Daily News, April 29.

—President Lincoln decided that the ports of Virginia and North Carolina should be included in the blockade of the Southern harbors and issued a proclamation to that effect.—(Doc. 110.)

—Edward Everett delivered an eloquent Union speech, at a flag raising in Chester Square, Boston, Mass.—(Doc. 111.)

—The Harbor Police of New York seized six sloops in the harbor, laden with powder, which, it was supposed, was intended for the use of Secessionists. On the same day, Capt. Squires, of the Fifteenth Ward Police, seized several pairs of military pantaloons at the shop of a tailor in Ridge-street, who was recently in the employ of Newbeck & Co., No. 4 Dey-street, where 1,000 uniforms intended for the South, were recently seized.—N. Y. Times, April 29.

—The reinforcement of Fort Pickens, is authoritatively announced to-day. It was accomplished on the night of Friday, April 12th, “without the firing of a gun or the spilling of one drop of blood.”—(Doc. 112.)

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