Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events – April 29, 1861

April 29, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

—A meeting of the Bar of Suffolk scanty was held at Boston, Mass., to consider the present situation of the country, and the measures necessary, when a blow is aimed at the existance of the Government, and the supremacy of law in the country. The meeting was numerously attended. Resolutions sustaining the Federal Government were adopted, and speeches were made by Judge Thomas, B. F. Hallet, J. C. Park, and others—Boston Transcript, April 30. —William C. Rives, Senator Hunter, Judge Brockenbrough, and Messrs. Preston and Camden, have been appointed by the Richmond Convention as delegates to the Montgomery Congress from Virginia.—Montgomery (Ala.) Post, May 1.

—By order of Governor Harris of Tennessee, seventy-five thousand dollars’ worth of Tennessee bonds and five thousand dollars in cash, belonging to the United States, which were in possession of the Collector at Nashville, were seized by the State authorities. The seizure was conditional, the property to be held in trust until the Government restores the property of the State and its citizens, involved in the seizure of the steamer Hillman by troops of the Federal Government.

The steamer Hillman was seized at Cairo, by the Illinois troops, on the 26th of April, because she was laden with munitions and other articles contraband of war.—National Intelligencer, May 7.

—The Charleston Mercury of to-day contains the following:—”To His Excellency Governor Pickens.—Will you oblige the mothers, wives, and sisters of the Carolina troops, and appoint next Thursday as a day of Thanksgiving to Almighty God for the late bloodless victory.—ONE OF MANY.”

—Several companies of the Third and Fourth Regiments of Georgia passed through Augusta for the expected scene of warfare—Virginia. Sixteen well-drilled companies of volunteers and one negro company, from Nashville, Tennessee, offered their services to the Confederate States.—Charleston Mercury, April 30.

—At New Orleans, La., the steamships Texas, Tennessee, and the G. W. Hewes, the property of Charles Morgan, Esq., were taken possession of by order of Gov. Moore. Captain Warren of the steam-tug Tuscarora, who was arrested on the charge of having furnished information to the captain of the Daniel Webster, which caused him to leave this port, was released on giving bonds of two thousand dollars for his future loyal conduct. It is ascertained that the blame rests less upon him than upon the owners of the above-named steamers. —N. O. Delta, April 30.

—A military review took place at New Orleans, La. The city was one long military camp. Where the main body of troops appeared was not the only place to find the soldiers. They were in every section of the city, on the river and in the suburbs; in fact, New Orleans was completely under the control of military arms, within and around. It was one of those days that brought to memory the period of 1814. The streets, the house-tops, the windows, and balconies of every building were thronged with ladies, and at least thirty thousand persons witnessed a military pagent not equalled in this section of the South. The enthusiasm was immense, and beyond description.—(Doc. 115.)

—At Roxbury, Mass., a beautiful silk flag was presented, by the ladies of that city, to the volunteer company of Capt. Chamberlain. Hon. J. S. Sleeper presided, and the presentation address was made by Rev. Dr. George Putnam. The flag was placed in the hands of Capt. Chamberlain by a sweet little girl tastefully dressed in white, relieved by red and blue. Capt. Chamberlain knelt as he received the flag, and responded briefly in a voice choked with emotion. Capt. C.’s company stood before the platform in a hollow square, and responded with loud cheers to the patriotic sentiments which the occasion called forth.—Boston Transcript, April 30.

—Secession in Maryland was defeated by a direct vote in the House of Delegates of the State, of fifty-three against secession and thirteen for it. The State Senate published an address, signed by all its members, denying the intention of passing an ordinance of secession. —N. Y. Times, April 30.

—Ellsworth’s Fire Zouaves left New York for Annapolis, Md. They were escorted to the boat by an immense body of brother firemen and citizens.—(Doc. 116.)

—Jefferson Davis sent a message to the Congress at Montgomery to-day. While reading in Congress, the allusion to Virginia was loudly cheered. A quotation from President Lincoln’s proclamation advising the people of the South to retire to their homes within twenty days, was met with derisive laughter from the crowd in the galleries. Nearly all the members of Congress were present.— Charleston Mercury, April 30.—(Doc. 117.)

—Citizens of Weverton, Frederick Co., Maryland, in a letter to Governor Hicks, protest against the entrance of Virginia troops from Harper’s Ferry into their State.—(Doc. 118.)

—There was an interesting display of patriotism by the young ladies of Brooklyn (N. Y.) Heights Seminary. They unfurled a beautiful flag at their chapel, in Montague street, where speeches were made by Dr. West, the principal; Professor Washburne of Harvard Law School, and Rev. Dr. Storrs.

A preliminary meeting, to make arrangements for providing for the families of volunteers, was held at the Brooklyn Institute, Mayor Hall presiding. $2,500 was subscribed on the spot. Committees, composed of the most wealthy and active citizens were appointed to further the objects of the meeting.—New York Times, May 1.

—Virginia Ladies, resident in Washington, are constantly warned by their friends at home to leave that city before its inevitable destruction by the Southern arrny.—N. Y. Herald, May 1.

—A spontaneous Union meeting was held in East Baltimore, Md. 1,500 to 2,000 persons were present, and great enthusiasm was manifested. Strong Union resolutions were adopted, and the national banner was unfurled.

Regular daily communication between Baltimore and Philadelphia was fully reestablished. —N. Y. Herald, April 30.

—Up to this day seventy-one thousand volunteers offered their services to Governor Dennison, of Ohio, to fill the thirteen regiments required by the Proclamation of President Lincoln.—N: Y: Courier and Enquirer, April 30.

—The American flag was raised upon the steeple of North Dutch church at New York. Nearly every church edifice and public building in the city is decorated in the same manner.—(Doc.119.)—Commercial Advertiser, April 30.

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