—The State Convention of Georgia has adopted the secession ordinance by a vote of two hundred and eight against eighty-nine. —(Doc. 22.)
A motion to postpone the operation of the ordinance until the 3d of March was lost by about thirty majority.
Alexander H. Stephens and Herschel V. Johnson are among those who voted against the ordinance.
The ordinance of secession is ordered to be éngrossed on parchment, and to be signed on Monday at noon.
Judge Linton Stephens says that, while he approves of the ordinance, he sees no reason for its adoption now. He therefore will not vote for or sign it.
Unusual demonstrations of approbation are being made at Milledgeville to-night in honor of the adoption of the ordinance, including the firing of cannon, the letting off of sky-rockets, the burning of torches, and music and speeches. —Richmond Enquirer.