—A meeting of citizens, irrespective of party, was held at Chicago, Ill., this evening. The resolutions adopted express love for the Union; regard every attempt to rend it as the basest treason and most insane folly; regard the Constitution of the United States as forming a union between the people of the several States, and intended to be perpetual; and every attempt by a State to secede or annul the laws of the United States, is not only usurping the powers of the general Government, but aggression upon the equal rights of the other States; that peaceable secession, if possible, must necessarily be a matter of agreement between the States, and until such agreement is made, the existing Government has no choice but to enforce the law and protect the property of the nation; that in view of what is now transpiring in the Southern States, of threats to prevent the inauguration of a President, constitutionally elected, it is incumbent upon the loyal people of the several States to be prepared to render all their aid, military and otherwise, to the enforcement of the Federal laws; that Major Anderson deserves the thanks of the country for the course pursued by him.—Evening Post, Jan. 8.
—A company of marines was put into Fort Washington, on the Potomac, 14 miles south of Washington city.
—Forty tons of shot, shell, and powder, were forwarded from New York city by Adams’ express for New Orleans; reported to be destined for Mexico, but believed to be for Louisiana.
—Several volunteer companies of Washington were on parade, and upon dismissal were directed to carry their guns to their homes with forty rounds of ball-cartridges each.
—The Alabama and Mississippi delegations in Washington held a conference, and telegraphed to the Conventions of their respective States, to advise immediate secession, as they consider that there is no prospect of a satisfactory adjustment. A caucus of Southern senators at Washington advocated separate and immediate secession.—Times, Jan. 7.