Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

A Diary of American Events – June 3, 1861

June 3, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

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—Quartermaster T. Bailey Myers arrived at New York from Fortress Monroe, bringing from that quarter a secession flag as a present to the Union Defence Committee. The flag was captured at Hampton village, near the fort, and when taken was flying from its staff on the roof of John Tyler’s country residence. Lieutenant Duryea, the colonel’s son, let down the traitorous emblem, and ran up the Stars and Stripes, which are now flying. The scouting detachment brought in the secession colors to head-quarters, and they were forwarded by Major-General Butler. The flag is a dirty looking affair of red, white, and blue flannel, with eight stars. It is roughly made, the sewing having been done by half-taught fingers. —N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, June 4.

—Gen. Beauregard arrived at Manassas Junction, and assumed command of the rebel forces there.—N. Y. Times, June 6.

—At night twelve volunteers from Camp Lincoln, near Leavenworth, Kansas, headed by Sergeant Decurin, of the Elwood Guards, armed with Minié rifles and revolvers, marched to Iatan, Mo., fourteen miles above Leavenworth city, and crossed in skiffs to capture a secession flag. When asked their purpose, Decurin demanded the flag by the authority of the United States. The flag was hauled down, and the party started on their return, when they were fired at by the secessionists, and the fire was returned. Three of the volunteers were wounded, one severely.—N. Y. World, June 6.

—At 1 A. M., the Union force from Grafton, approached Philippi, a little town on the Monongahela, 20 miles south of Grafton, occupied by 1,500 rebels. Scouts went forward to reconnoitre, a favorable report was received, and the troops advanced about 5 A. M., and were fired at by the sentinels on duty, who appeared to be the only men on the alert. The camp, however, was immediately aroused, and before it was reached by our troops three companies of riflemen advanced to meet them, and delivered a volley as CoL Kelly’s regiment turned the corner of a street. They then turned and retreated towards the main body. At this fire several of our men were slightly wounded, and Col. Kelly received a ball in the side. The regiment pressed on, and was quickly followed by the Indiana and Ohio regiments. When the column got within range of the main body of the enemy, the latter delivered a straggling fire, and then at once broke and fled. It was a complete rout. The Union troops delivered a volley with good effect at the enemy, and then charged upon them at full run. The enemy took the direction of Leedsville, ten miles further south. Col. Crittenden ordered the Ohio regiment to stay and guard the town, and the other two regiments continued the pursuit They returned after daylight, with several prisoners. The secessionists had no idea of being attacked. They had no intrenchments, and had only set the ordinary guard. One or two of the Federal troops were killed. The loss of the secessionists, so far as known, is sixteen killed, a large number wounded, and ten prisoners. Some twenty-five of Col. Kelly’s men were wounded, but none dangerously. The amount of ammunition captured was not large, but there was a lot of camp kettles and provisions, and miscellaneous camp equipage, that fell into the hands of the federal troops; also seventeen horses. Col. Kelly’s wound was not mortal.—(Doc. 228.)

—Stephen A. Douglas, Senator of the United States from Illinois, died at Chicago at ten minutes past nine o’clock in the morning. —Buffalo Courier, June 4.

—The Fourteenth Regiment, Colonel Johnson, and the Fifteenth, Colonel Oakford, of Pennsylvania Volunteers, arrived at General Patterson’s camp at Chambersburg from Lancaster.—National Intelligencer, June 6.

—The British Government decided not to allow the entry of privateers into any of their ports. This was announced by Lord John Russell in Parliament., saying that Government had determined to prohibit privateers from bringing prizes into any British port. It was also stated that France intended adhering to the law which prohibits privateers remaining in port over twenty-four hours.—(Doc. 229.)

—The border State Convention met at Frankfort, Kentucky.—N. Y. Tribune, May 27.

—Major-General Patterson, from headquarters at Chambersburg, Pa., issued a proclamation announcing to the soldiers that “they would soon meet the insurgents.”—(Doc. 230.)

—The First Regiment Scott Life Guard and the Third Regiment N. Y. S. V., left New York city for Fortress Monroe.—(Doc. 231.)

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