Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

A Diary of American Events – June 4, 1861

June 4, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

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—The Memphis Bulletin of to-day contains the following: “Persons having slaves at home, whose services can be dispensed with for the next ten or fifteen days, would do a great kindness to the volunteers at Randolph, by sending negro men to that point. The volunteers should be drilled, and the fortifications, on which they have labored so long and faith should be finished by negroes.”

—A man named Fletcher, living in Columbia township, Randolph County, Ark., divulged last week a plot to the citizens which he had discovered among the negroes in that vicinity. The plot contemplated the murder of several citizens who they supposed had money, and then making their way to the free States. An investigation led to the development of the fact that certain negroes had proposed to give Fletcher $20 each to take them to a free State, announcing that their plan contemplated the murder of citizens, the possession of their means, and their final escape to the North. The negroes implicated by Fletcher, twenty in number, were arrested. A white man named Percifield, found guilty of being an instigator in the affair, was hung, as was also Fletcher, who was connected with Percifield.—Memphis (Tenn.) Avalanche, June 5.

—Elias Howe, Jr., of New York, the sewing machine millionaire, presented each field and staff officer of the Massachusetts Fifth Regiment, at the seat of war, with a stallion fully equipped for service.—N. Y. Express.

—The Tenth Regiment N. Y. Volunteers, National Zouaves, Colonel McChesney, left their encampment at Sandy Hook for Fortress Monroe. Previous to their departure they paraded through the city of New York, where they received a flag.—N. Y. Sun, June 5.

—The Savannah Republican of to-day has the following: “Notice to the Press.—We are requested by the military authorities of the Confederate States to urge upon our brethren of the press throughout the South the importance of abstaining from all specific allusions to the movement of troops. The very wisest plans of the Government may be thwarted by an untimely or otherwise injudicious exposure.”

A directly opposite policy appears to prevail at the North. Not only is every movement of the Federal troops Heralded abroad with lightning speed for the “sensation press,” but it would seem as if the news-gatherers have access to the records of the Departments, so as to enable them to proclaim in advance every plan and purpose of the Government, whether great or small.—National Intelligencer, June 18.

—Noah L. Farnham, late Lieutenant-Colonel of the Regiment of Fire Zouaves of New York, was appointed Colonel of that Regiment, in place of the late Colonel Ellsworth.—N. Y. World, June 5.

—Judge Taney’s written opinion in the habeas corpus case of Merriman, was published in the Washington National Intelligencer of this date. It is simply a protest against the suspension of the writ by the President of the United States. The Judge argues that Congress alone has the legal authority to suspend this privilege, and that the President cannot “in any emergency, or in any state of things,” authorize its suspension.

—Ten Regiments of foot, with Doubleday’s, Dodge’s, and Seymour’s batteries of flying artillery and five hundred dragoons, were in camp around Chambersburg, Pa.—Thirty-two men arrived at Williamsport, Md., from Berkley Co., Va., whence they had fled to avoid impressment into the rebel army.—A new Collector was appointed for Louisville, Kentucky, with orders to prohibit the shipment South of provisions, via that port.—N. Y. Herald, June 5.

—A proclamation dated Fort Smith, Arkansas, and signed “W. F. Rector, Asst. Adjutant-General,” says, “the authority of the United States has ceased upon this frontier.”—(Doc. 232.)

—The Natchez (Miss.) Courier of this day has the following: “A wise and salutary law was passed by the Confederate Congress, before its adjournment, prohibiting, during the existence of the blockade of any of the Southern ports by the United States Government, the exportation of any raw cotton or cotton yarn except through the seaports of the Confederate States. The penalty for a violation of the law is the forfeiture of the cotton or yarn so at empted to be exported, as also fine or imprisonment for the person violating it. Every steamboat or railroad car, used with the consent of the person owning or in charge of it for the purpose of violating the act, is also forfeited. This law completely blocks the Lincoln scheme. The Administration’s idea was, that if Southern ports were blockaded, the cotton would go by inland routes to Northern seaports for exportation. Great Britain and France will now have to go without cotton, or else raise the Lincoln blockade.”—(See Doc. p. 292.)

—Major-General Price (rebel) of Missouri, issued a proclamation “to prevent all misunderstanding of his opinions and intentions,” and expressed the desire “that the people of Missouri should exercise the right to choose their own position” in the contest.—(Doc. 233.)

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