Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

A Diary of American Events – June 5, 1861

June 5, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

Post image for A Diary of American Events – June 5, 1861

—A demand was served upon Messrs. Daniel J. Foley & Bros., Baltimore, by Mr. Bonifant, the United States Marshal, under instructions from Mr. Cameron, Secretary of War, calling for the immediate delivery into the possession of the Marshal of all the powder of the Hazard Powder Company, Connecticut, stored in the powder-house of the company at Lower Canton. The amount of the powder on hand was about 8,500 kegs, or 60,000 pounds, valued at $16,000. The agents turned the powder over to the Marshal, who took an inventory of the same. A similar demand, from the same source, was made upon Messrs. A. L Webb & Bro., Baltimore, agents for the Messrs. Dupont’s powder works, Delaware. The demand was complied with, and the powder on hand, a small amount, turned over into the possession of the United States. —Baltimore Sun, June 6.

—General Beauregard issued a proclamation from Manassas Junction, giving an extravagant picture of the deplorable consequences to be expected from an invasion of the Federal forces.—(Doc. 234.)

—At Williamsport a Baltimorean, named Dewitt C. Rench, swore he could whip the whole Union force, and that he had killed at least one man in the attack upon the Massachusetts Regiment in Baltimore. His friends tried to get him away and put him on a horse, when he drew a revolver and fired two shots at individuals and three into the crowd. Three shots were returned, all taking effect, killing him instantly.—Philadelphia Ledger, June 7.

—Throughout all the counties of Virginia, within forty or fifty miles of Harper’s Ferry, a levy of militia is being now made by draft. All the men between eighteen and fifty years of age, not physically incapable of doing military duty, are enlisted, and three-tenths of the whole are to be mustered into the field. The names are placed in one box, and as many numbers—from one to ten (repeated)—are placed in another box. When a name is drawn forth a number is also drawn; and if it be either No. 1, 2, or 3, the person is “elected” a soldier into the disunion army. Otherwise he escapes immediate service.—Washington Star, June 6.

—Ninth Regiment N. Y. V., Colonel Hawkins; left New York for Fortress Monroe. —(Doc. 235.)

—The Richmond (Va.) Whig of to-day announces that after to-day no passports will be issued to persons leaving the State, and no one will be admitted to the State except for reasons of peculiar force; also, that the Tennessee volunteers in Virginia are authorized to vote on the ordinance of the secession of Tennessee, although stationed in Virginia.

—A Bank Convention, held at Atlanta, Ga., recommended that all the Southern banks, railroads, and tax collectors, receive the Treasury notes of the Confederacy as currency, and both States, cities, and corporations having coupons payable at New York, to appoint the place of payment South.—N. Y. Herald, June 10.

—About eight o’clock this morning the steamer Harriet Lane, under the command of Capt. Faunce, United States Navy, proceeded up the James River, from Fortress Monroe, as far as the month of the Nasemond, for the purpose of reconnoitring and looking out for batteries. It was not long before she observed a large and heavy battery planted upon the point, which is nearly opposite Newport News Point, and about five miles distant. The steamer opened fire, which was briskly returned by the batteries, and for nearly a half hour the action continued. It was found that but one gun of the steamer could reach the battery, the guns of which being heavier easily reached the former, and several shot struck her. During the affair the most intense excitement prevailed, and hundreds of soldiers ascended the ramparts and roof of the Hygeia Hotel, for the purpose of looking at the scene. The Lane returned in an hour after the action, and made an official report to Com. Pendergrast of the squadron. Lieut. Duncan, of the Harriet Lane, states that the fight was pretty hot. The steamer threw several shells into the battery with much accuracy. The battery was well served, the damage to the cutter having been inflicted with a 84-pounder rifled cannon. It was at first thought that no battery existed at the place where the fight occurred, and the Harriet Lane was sent to ascertain if the report was true. Elbe found out that one did exist, and that seven guns were mounted upon it, and hence the attempt made to dislodge them.—National Intelligencer, June 8.

—A letter from Cassius M. Clay to the London Times, in relation to the civil war in America, is published in the United States. Mr. Clay says that the rebellion can be subdued, but that it is not the intention of the U. S. Government to subjugate the Southern States; that only rebels will be punished; that it is the interest of England to support the Government; and that it is unwise for England to venture to sow seeds of discord, for she is far from secure from home revolution or foreign attack in the future. In conclusion Mr. Clay claims that England is the natural ally of the United States.—(Doc. 236.)

—The people of Wheeling, Va., were greatly astounded upon learning that Major A. Loring had been arrested by United States officers. He was taken to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad depot, where he remained until 7 o’clock, when the train left for Grafton. Major Loring’s arrest was occasioned by certain papers found upon the person of W. J. Willey, who was captured after the skirmish at Phillippa, and who charged with leading the party who destroyed the bridges on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, between Wheeling and Grafton.—(Doc. 237.)

—The U. S. Marshal took possession of the gun factory of Messrs. Merrill & Thomas, in Baltimore, and seized all the breech-loading muskets in the establishment. Intimation was given that ample employment would soon be given to the establishment in the manufacture, of arms for the Government.—N. Y. Express, June 5.

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