Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

A Diary of American Events – June 7, 1861

June 7, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

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—The Engineer Corps of the Sixty-ninth Regiment of New York, with Company B, of the Second Cavalry, took five prisoners and a drove of cattle, fifty in number, which were on their way to the secession forces.—N. Y, World, June. 10.

—An express messenger arrived at New Orleans from Mr. Adolphe Ducros’s plantation, at the mouth of Bayou Bienvenu, which empties into Lake Borgne, with information to Maj.-Gen. Twiggs, that two fishermen had reported the arrival of two small war steamers in Lake Borgne, one carrying three guns, and the other a long pivot gun forward. The fishermen stated that the steamers lay off in the lake, and that night before last they sent two boats towards the mouth of the bayou, as was supposed, for taking soundings. Gen. Twiggs ordered Major Taylor, in command of the barracks, to proceed immediately to Martello Tower, at the mouth of Bayou Bienvenu, with a company of infantry, to garrison the tower, which contains several heavy mounted guns, for the protection of this avenue to the city. This point is but ten miles from New Orleans in a direct line, and a little over fifteen by the Mexican Gulf Railroad. It is celebrated for being the point at which the British landed their troops in the war of 1813-’14.—New Orleans Picayune, June 8.

—The Tenth Regiment, of New York, arrived at Fortress Monroe.—N. Y. Times, June 9.

—The tents at Camp McClure, Chambersburg, Pa., were struck at six o’clock A. M., and the line of march taken up soon afterwards for Brown’s Mill, near Green Castle, and eight miles distant from Camp McClure. The force in motion was Brig.-Gen. Thomas’ command, was headed by him, and included the U. S. Cavalry, (recently from Texas,) 4 companies, the Philadelphia City Troop, and the 2 companies of artillerists, commanded by Captains Doubleday and Seymour, McMullin’s Independent Rangers, the Twenty-third Regiment, Col. Dare, the Twenty-first Regiment, Col. Ballier, and the Sixth Regiment, Col. Nagle. The line was nearly 2 miles in length. The men all had their knapsacks closely slung to prevent jolting, and had evidently prepared themselves, so far as their knowledge taught them, for a long march.—Idem.

—The Indiana Regiment of Zouaves, Col. Wallace, fully armed and equipped, passed through Cincinnati, Ohio, en route for Cumberland, Md. They made a splendid appearance, and were enthusiastically received.—Ohio State Journal, June 8.

—Colonel Corcoran, of the Sixty-ninth N. Y. Regiment, with a detachment of one hundred men, proceeded to Ball’s Corner, 5 miles beyond the lines in Virginia, where he arrested a party of five secessionists, one wearing the uniform of a secession sergeant; one, named Richard Meitch, an employé at the capital as watchman, and one named Ball, a rich farmer, on whom was found a muster roll of a rebel company, and in whose house were found arms, bedding, and cooking utensils for a company of at least fifty men. Nine hundred dollars in gold were also found, but returned by the mistaken generosity of the sergeant, to Ball’s wife, without the Colonel’s knowledge until after their return to the camp—N. Y. Times, June 8.

—The New York Nineteenth Regiment, from Elmira, commanded by Col. Clark, and the Third Maine Regiment Volunteers, Col. Howard, arrived at Washington.—(Doc. 238.)

—A crew of 402 seamen, ordinary seamen, and landsmen, left the receiving-ship North Carolina at Brooklyn, for Portsmouth, N. H., where they will constitute a ship’s company for the United States frigate Santee, which, after lying in various positions at the Navy Yard for half a century, has been put in commission for blockade service. The Advance Brigade of Federal troops, under Col. Thomas, reached Greencastle, thirteen miles south of Chambersburg, Pa.—N. Y. World, and N. Y. Times, June 8.

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