Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events – May 14, 1861

May 14, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

—Gen. Harney published an address to the people of Missouri, saying that the military bill recently passed by the Legislature is an indirect secession ordinance, manifestly unconstitutional, and ought not to be upheld by good citizens. He says, that whatever may be the termination of the present condition of things in respect to the Cotton States, Missouri must share the destiny of the Union, and all the power of the Government will be exerted to maintain her position.—(Doc. 162.)

—The Confederate Congress requested President Davis, by resolution, to appoint a day of fasting and prayer.—(Doc. 163.)

—A large and enthusiastic Union meeting was held in East Baltimore, Md., James T. Randolph presiding, assisted by a number of vice-presidents; patriotic resolutions were adopted, and addresses were delivered by John L Thomas and John G. Wilmot, of Baltimore, and Dr. Strafford, of Caroline county, and received with every demonstration of approval.—(Doc. 164.)

—There was a great demonstration at Annapolis, Md., in honor of opening the branch railroad connecting Annapolis station and the pier of the Naval Academy, then just completed by the skilful engineer corps of the Thirteenth New York Regiment. A long train of cars carried the Thirteenth Regiment on an excursion over the new road to a short distance beyond the city. They were accompanied with a full band of music, and as the train moved off a salute was fired from the Naval School. The regiment marched back to the city, and much enthusiasm was manifested by the citizens. —National Intelligencer, May 16.

—Ross Winans was arrested at the Relay House, on the Baltimore and Ohio road, by the federal officers. Governor Hicks, with others, endeavored to have him released on security, but this was refused, and he was placed under guard.—Phila. Press, May 15.

—Governor Andrew, in an address to the two branches of the Legislature of Massachusetts, delivered to-day, says:—

“This is no war of sections,—no war of North on South. It is waged to avenge no former wrongs, nor to perpetuate ancient griefs or memories of conflict. It is the struggle of the people to vindicate their own rights, to retain and invigorate the institutions of their fathers,—the majestic effort of a National Government to vindicate its power and execute its functions for the welfare and happiness of the whole,—and therefore while I do not forget, I will not name to-day that “subtle poison” which has lurked always in our national system —and I remember also at this moment, that even in the midst of rank and towering rebellion, under the very shadow of its torch and axe, there are silent but loyal multitudes of the citizens of the South who wait for the national power to be revealed and its protecting flag unfurled for their own deliverance.

“How shall I record the grand and sublime uprising of the people, devoting themselves—their lives—their all! No creative art has ever woven into song a story more tender in its pathos or more stirring to the martial blood than the scenes just enacted—passing before our eyes in the villages and towns of our dear old Commonwealth. Henceforth be silent, ye shallow cavillers at New England thrift, economy, and peaceful toil! Henceforth let no one dare accuse our northern sky, our icy winters, or our granite hills!

“ ‘Oh what a glorious morning !’ was the exulting cry of Samuel Adams, as he, excluded from royal grace, heard the sharp musketry which on the dawn of the 19th of April, 1775, announced the beginning of the War of Independence. The yeomanry, who in 1775, on Lexington Common and on the banks of Concord River, first made that day immortal in our annals, have found their lineal representatives in the historic regiment which on the 19th of April, 1861, in the streets of Baltimore, baptized our flag anew in heroic blood, when Massachusetts marched once more ‘in the sacred cause of liberty and the right of mankind.

“Grave responsibilities have fallen, in the Providence of God, upon the Government and the people;—and they are welcome. They could not have been safely postponed. They have not arrived too soon. They will sift and try this people, all who lead and all who follow. But this trial, giving us a heroic present to revive our past, will breathe the inspiration of a new life into our national character and reassure the destiny of the Republic.” (Governor Andrew’s address is printed in full in the Boston Transcript, May 14.)

—A schooner was seized at the wharf in Baltimore, by a United States officer. She had a number of pikes, manufactured by Winans, and Minié rifles on board. She was taken over to the south side of the harbor, under Federal Hill, and a guard placed on board.—N. Y. Times, May 15.

Butler issued a proclamation from his head-quarters on Federal Hill—in which he explains why Baltimore is occupied by the troops, and guarantees safety and protection to all citizens engaged in lawful pursuits.—(Doc. 165.)

—Thomas H. Hicks, governor of Maryland, issued a proclamation calling for four regiments of troops “to serve within the limits of the State of Maryland, or for the defence of the capital of the United States.”—(Doc. 166.)

—The Connecticut Second Regiment, numbering eight hundred men, arrived at Washington. They are handsomely uniformed, and have a complete camp equipage and about forty fine horses. They are armed (all save two companies, which have Minié muskets) with Sharpe’s rifles and sabre bayonets.—(Doc. 167.)

—Postmaster-General Blair annulled the contract for carrying the mails between St. Louis and Memphis, owing to the forcible stoppage of the steamers by which they were conveyed. This is the first case under the law of the last Congress which authorized a discontinuance of the mail in case of illegal obstruction.—Boston Transcript, May 15.

—General Butler made a formal demand on the city authorities of Baltimore for the delivery of a quantity of arms stored in the warehouse of John S. Gittings, corner of Gay and Second streets. Marshal Kane refused to deliver up the arms without the officers produced an order from the Mayor.

Finally, after some altercation, an order was produced, and the arms were brought out, making fifteen dray-loads. About two-thirds of the fire-arms were carbines; the rest were flintlock muskets. There was also a large quantity of pikes. A guard of Federal troops was placed over the arms, and, escorted by a large number of police, they were taken to the fort. A crowd of turbulent men and boys followed, yelling and hooting, for a portion of the distance. Some were armed with pistols, and there was an evident desire to commit violence, but all such demonstrations were restrained by the police. —N. Y. Times, May 15.

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