Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events – May 16, 1861

May 16, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

—A letter upon the Virginia election was written by Senator Mason of that State, in which he says, that “the ordinance of secession” (not yet voted upon by the people of Virginia) “annulled the Constitution and laws of the United States within that State, and absolved the citizens of Virginia from all obligation and obedience to them;” and that if it be now rejected by the people, Virginia must “change sides,” and “turn her arms against her Southern sisters.” Moreover, that ordinance brought into Virginia several thousand soldiers of the Confederate army, and thus the faith of Virginia is pledged to it, for if it be rejected, their soldiers will merely have been entrapped. —(Doc. 170.)

—The Montgomery (Ala.) Advertiser, of today, says that the various accounts about hundreds of letters of marque having been granted by the War Department of the Southern Confederacy, and that thousands of applications are already on file, is a gross error. Applications for that business are made to the collectors of the different ports, and not to the department at Montgomery, where none have been received. A number of applications have been made to the collectors of New Orleans, Mobile, and other Southern ports.

—General Butler was serenaded at the National Hotel in Washington, and in response made a happy speech upon the war, and the position of Massachusetts in it.—(Doc. 171.)

—Upon the opening of the U. S. Circuit Court at Boston, Judge Sprague charged the Grand Jury upon the crime of piracy.—(Doc. 172.)

—The Second Regiment of Maine volunteer militia passed through New York, on their way to the seat of war. Previous to their departure the natives of Maine, resident in the city, presented the regiment with an American flag; the presentation being made at the City Hall, in the presence of thousands of enthusiastic spectators.—(Doc. 173.)

—A correspondence between Gov. Andrews of Mass., and Gen. Benjamin F. Butler, relative to the proposed suppression by the latter of a slave insurrection, is published.—(Doc. 174.)

—Brigadier-Generals Butler and McClellan were appointed Major-Generals.—N. Y. News, May 17.

—Secretary Seward declares it treason to accept from the government of a Southern State the proffered price of vessels previously seized. —(Doc. 174½)

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