Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events – May 18, 1861

May 18, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

—Governor Brown, of Georgia, issued a proclamation, inhibiting the carrying of arms or accoutrements of any kind purchased by the State, beyond its limits, without his consent. This proclamation appears to relate to the informal departure of soldiers.

“Governor Brown,” says the Savannah Republican, “may be technically right in this order, but he has at least selected an unfortunate time for issuing it. From the beginning a misunderstanding seems to have existed between him and the Confederate authorities, to be found with no other State, and it is high time it had been brought to a close.”—N. Y. Commercial, May 22.

—A patriotic demonstration took place in the town of Old Saybrook, Ct., made particularly interesting by the antiquity of the place, and its various revolutionary relics and reminiscences. A fine flagstaff was raised upon the spot which had given birth to the old Saybrook platform, and but a short distance from the old fort built by the first settlers of the place.

The services were prefaced by the raising of the flag by Deacon Sill, (91 years of age) a colonel of the war of 1812, and the patriarch of the place. A prayer and addresses were then made by the Rev. Messrs. McCall, Loper and Gallup; the intervals being appropriately filled by national songs admirably given by a club from a neighboring village. In conclusion, the old men of the village were called upon, and short and telling speeches were made.—Boston Advertiser, May 21.

—The Montgomery (Ala.) Mail of to-day has the following paragraph in reference to Fort Pickens: “Having returned this morning from Pensacola, where we have been for several days, we can assure our readers that the reports going to show that a battle will soon occur at Fort Pickens are mere conjectures. Of the plans of any of those in command nothing is known outside of hbead-quarters. Our own impression, formed while in Pensacola, is that there will be no battle at all at Pickens, or at least that it is not now the intention of the Confederate authorities to attack it.”

—Arkansas was by unanimous vote admitted a State of the Southern Confederacy, and its delegates to the Southern Congress. They are R. W. Johnson, of Pine Bluff; A. Rust, of Little Rock; A. H. Garland, of Little Rock; -W. W. Watkins, of Carrollton; H. F. Thomasson, of Van Buren.—N. Y. Times, May 26.

—Three merchants of Baltimore, Jerome A. Pendergrast, James Whiteford, and George McGowan, were arrested charged with riotous conduct in obstructing the track of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad on the 19th of April, while the Massachusetts troops were en route to Washington. They were under indictment by the Grand Jury, and were admitted to bail—N. Y. Times,  May 26.

—The military department of Virginia, to embrace eastern Virginia to the summit of the Blue Ridge, and the States of North Carolina and South Carolina, was created; Major-General Benjamin F. Butler was placed in command. —Rappahannock River was blockaded, which rendered perfect the blockade of Virginia.— N. Y. Herald, May 19.

—Fourteenth Regiment N. Y. S. M. from Brooklyn departed for Washington, amid great enthusiasm.—Doc. 176.

—The Tug Yankee arrived in Philadelphia, having in tow three schooners loaded with tobacco, viz.: the Emily Ann, the Mary Willis, and the Delaware Farmer, belonging to and bound to Baltimore from Richmond. They surrendered to the Harriet Lane, and were ordered to Philadelphia by the flag officer of the Minnesota. Outside of Cape Henry the Mary Willis broke loose, and as the Yankee turned round to recover her, the Emily Ann got a lurch and sprang her mainmast. Her foremast had to be cut away to save her. The Emily Ann arrived at the wharf; leaking badly, and is being unloaded. Lieut. Bryant, of the Navy, who had the prizes in charge, stated that the ship North Carolina, in ballast, from Havre, and another ship, the Argo, had been seized and taken to New York. Twenty vessels had been detained by the fleet, including five tobacco schooners.—Phila. Ledger, May 19.

—An expedition of New York troops sent to recapture the lightship, taken by the secessionists, brought it up to the Washington Navy Yard to-day.—They were fired into, but nobody was hurt.—N. Y. Herald, May 19.

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