Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events – May 22, 1861

May 22, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

—The Richmond (Va.) Whig of to-day says: “We are not enough in the secrets of our authorities to specify the day on which Jeff. Davis will dine at the White House, and Ben. McCullough take his siesta in Gen. Sickles’ gilded tent. We should dislike to produce any disappointment by naming too soon or too early a day; but it will save trouble if the gentlemen will keep themselves in readiness to dislodge at a moment’s notice! If they are not smitten, however, with more than judicial blindness, they do not need this warning at our hands. They must know that the measure of their iniquities is full, and the patience of outraged freedom is exhausted. Among all the brave men from the Rio Grande to the Potomac, and stretching over into insulted, indignant and infuriated Maryland, there is but one word on every lip: ‘Washington;’ and one sentiment on every heart: vengeance on the tyrants who pollute the Capital of the Republic!”

—There was an exciting time in Passaic, N. J., on the occasion of raising the Stars and Stripes by the citizens of that locality. A handsome flag, donated by the scholars of the Passaic Academy, was raised upon that edifice, and one of much larger proportions was raised upon Passaic Heights. Eloquent and patriotic addresses were made by Rev. Marshall B. Smith and Thos. D. Hassey, Esq., of Paterson. The Passaic Light Guard turned out in good numbers and saluted the flag with several rounds. —N. Y. Commercial, May 24.

—A correspondent of the Savannah (Ga.) Republican, writing from Montgomery, Alabama, says: “It is feared that the blockade of Lincoln will seriously diminish the revenue, unless speedily raised, and if not, the government will have to resort to direct taxation, in order to provide for its support. The plan will prove acceptable to the people, and will be more effective than a mere dependence upon an uncertain income. Some one has suggested, though not officially, the project of levying a tax of four per cent. upon slaves; but, considering the average value of the slaves at present to be four hundred dollars, the income will not exceed thirty-six millions. The Secretary of War alone estimates for thirty-five millions, and it is probable that at least one hundred will be needed for disbursement this year. We may, therefore, confidently expect a system of direct taxation in case any inconvenience is experienced in collections of the customs revenue. The tariff will be reduced to an exceedingly low figure, and will expose, by its action, the monstrosities of its colleague, the Morrill tariff.”

—Major-General Butler and Staff arrived at Fortress Monroe, and were received with the customary military honors. There was a grand review of the troops in the evening, the parade-line, four thousand men, stretching across the parade-ground of the fortress. The spectacle was magnificent, and there was great enthusiasm among the men.

—A party of Virginians attempted at night to capture a ferry-boat on the Potomac near Clear Spring, Md. Notice was given the Union men of Clear Spring, three miles distant, who turned out to guard the boat. During the night the Virginians seized the boat, and were fired upon by the guard, and when midway across had to abandon the prize and escape in a skiff. Two Virginians were shot. The ferry-boat returned to the Maryland shore.—N. Y. Times; May 24.

—The fortress at Ship Island, Gulf of Mexico, 95 miles from the northern mouth of the Mississippi, was destroyed to prevent it from falling into the hands of the rebels.—Handsboro (Miss.) Democrat, (Extra,) May 22.

—In a speech at Atlanta, Ga., Howell Cobb proposed that the planters should sell half their cotton crop to the Southern Confederacy, and accept its bonds in payment.—(Doc. 186.)

—A circular letter from the Secretary of War was addressed to the governors of all the States, in which he recommends that no person be appointed a lieutenant who is not over 22 years of age; a captaincy, over 30; a major, over 35; a lieutenant-colonel, over 40; or colonel, over 45.—(Doc. 187.)

—The Second Regiment, N. Y. S. V., Col. Carr, left New York for Fortress Monroe.—(Doc. 188.)

—A contingent of 350 men left New York to join the 69th Regiment at Washington. It included Capt. T. F. Meagher’s Company of Zouaves, numbering 110, elegantly equipped and armed with the Minié musket and bayonet. —N. Y. Tribune, May 23.

—Despatches by the Persia state that the agents of the Rebel Government have explored Europe in vain for arms, munitions, or money, to be had in exchange for their bonds. Mr. Dudley Mann had sought an interview with Mr. George Peabody in the hope of negotiating an interview, and had been politely, but firmly repulsed. In no case had they found their securities marketable at the largest discount they could offer as a temptation. —N. Y. Times, May 23.

—The President and Cabinet attended the flag raising at the Post-office Department in Washington. Thousands of spectators were present. As the colors ascended, a lull in the breeze caused them for a moment to hug the staff. In a few seconds, however, the breeze freshened and caused the beautiful Stars and Stripes to float out for full fifty feet. The effect was electric. The host of spectators, the President, the Cabinet—all united in cheers. Mr. Lincoln, amidst the wildest enthusiasm of the mass, made a brief address.

He said that a few months ago the Stars and Stripes hung as listless and still all over the Union as the flag just raised, but in a short time they were caught up by the coming breeze and made to float over the whole loyal nation, and among millions who were now determined to keep the flag flying till the bitter end or until the restoration of peace and unity.

Speeches were also made by Mr. Blair, Mr. Seward, and Mr. Caleb B. Smith. The remarks of Mr. Seward were received with the most intense enthusiasm.—N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, May 22.

—The steamer J. C. Swan was seized at Harlow’s Landing, thirty miles below St. Louis, and brought to the St. Louis arsenal, by order of Gen. Lyon. This is the steamer that brought the arms from Baton Rouge, which were captured by Gen. Lyon, at Camp Jackson. Measures will be taken to effect the legal confiscation of the boat. About 5,000 pounds of lead, en route for the South, were also seized at Ironton, on the Iron Mountain Railroad, by order of Gen. Lyon. Some resistance was offered by a party of citizens, and several shots were fired on both sides, but nobody was hurt.—(Idem.)

—Major-General Sandford was placed in command of the New York troops on duty at Washington.—N. Y. Times, May 24.

—Among the speakers at the annual meeting of the Wesleyan Mission Society in London, was Rev. Dr. McClintock, of New York. He improved the occasion to make a stirring appeal to the audience against the misrepresentations of the London Time., about American affairs, and to set them right on the subject His address was received with very great applause. At one passage, the whole audience rose to their feet, and cheered for the speaker, and for the cause of the Union which he was advocating.—(Doc. 188½.)

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