Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events – May 23, 1861

May 23, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

—A. H. Stephens arrived at Atlanta, Ga., on his return from Montgomery, and in response to a call of the citizens delivered a strong secession speech.—(Doc. 189.)

—Gen. Butler at Fortress Monroe, in a general order, announced the following staff: Capt. Grier Tallmadge, Assistant Quartermaster and Acting Assistant Adjutant-General, Capt.T. Bailey Myers; Acting Assistant Quartermaster, Capt. Peter Hagerty; and Second Lieut., George H. Butler; Major Richard S. Fay, Military Secretary.—N. Y. Commercial, May 31.

—The Philadelphia Evening Journal of today says: “We have it from good authority that there are, at this time, about five hundred Indians stationed at Harper’s Ferry, with the rebel, or traitor army. If this be the mode of warfare these blood-thirsty, scalping devils are to be brought into the fight, our friends in the South must not consider it all unkind if we accept the proffered services of the ten regiments of free negroes in Canada and the North, and send them down South. Our Governor refused to let one regiment of negroes pass through our State to go South to do battle, but if Indians are to be brought into the field by Jeff. Davis, the South may rely on it they will be met with a corresponding force of negroes, and they will increase their numbers as they pass through the country, by having the slaves join them.”

—The Advance Guard, Fifth Regiment, N. Y. Volunteers, Col. Duryea, embarked on board the steam transport Alabama, from New York, for Fortress Monroe.—(Doc. 190.)

—The Mississippi, which sailed from Boston, Mass., this forenoon, returned to that place and anchored off the Navy Yard. She had proceeded but a few miles down the harbor, when it was discovered that in repairing the engines, about two inches of the delivery pipe, through which the water from the condensers was freed out of the side of the ship, had been cut out, and in its place a joint of gum and canvas substituted, when it should have been a slip joint of iron or other metal. The defective part gave way, pouring a flood of water into the ship, when the engines were immediately stopped and the anchor thrown out. Temporary repairs were made so that she was enabled to return, but she lost a 6,000 lb. anchor by the parting of a cable. Michael Quinn of Virginia, late Chief Engineer in the Navy, superintended the repairs of the Mississippi. He recently resigned, returned to Virginia, and his name was stricken from the Navy roll.—N. Y. Tribune, May 24.

—The First and Second Regiments of the Ohio volunteers, numbering together eighteen hundred men, and under the command respectively of Colonels McCook and Wilson, reached Washington. It has been several weeks since they left home, having been in the mean time encamped in Pennsylvania—first at Lancaster, and afterwards near Philadelphia. They left the latter city early yesterday morning, on the railroad, coming by way of Baltimore.—(Doc. 194)

—An immense dry-dock was anchored at night in the Pensacola channel east of Fort Pickens by the rebels, who had intended, however, to anchor it elsewhere. Gen. Brown, in command at the fort, forbade its further removal. Its anchorage between Forts Pickens and McRae was for some time contemplated.—N. O. Delta, May 24.

—A battery of Whitworth guns, twelve-pounders, with ammunition and carriages complete, arrived in New York city, as a present to the Government from patriotic Americans abroad. The battery is consigned to Henry F. Spaulding, Samuel D. Babcock, and Henry A. Smythe, who have informed Secretary Cameron of its arrival, and that it is at the disposition of the Government. Each one of the guns bears the following inscription:

“From loyal Americans in Europe, to the United States Government, 1861.”

Mr. R. G. Moulton, an American at present residing in Manchester, deserves great credit for his energetic efforts in raising funds for the purchase of this battery.—N. Y. Times, May 24.

—One of the secession flags displayed from the head-quarters of the “Grays,” at Alexandria, Va., and within sight from Washington, was captured by two adventurous Union men—William McSpedon, of New York city, and Samuel Smith, of Queens County, N. Y.

—Gen. Patterson and staff arrived at Fort McHenry, Baltimore. Col. Vosburgh, late of the 71st N. Y. regiment, was buried in Greenwood Cemetery. —N. Y. Times, May 24.

—The Third Connecticut Regiment arrived at Washington. It numbers over eight hundred men, all well drilled, and is commanded by Colonel J. Arnold.—(Doc. 191.)

—The Alexandria (Va.) Sentinel of to-day, says: “The Washington Home Guard, Capt. Powell, took to-day 169 head of fine mutton, three miles above the chain bridge. They were appraised at $2.50 a head, and are impounded near this place. They had been purchased of some Virginia drover by the Georgetown butchers, and were to have been delivered by some party, who had undertaken to swim them across the river at so much a head. It has not been found out who it is in Virginia that is thus furnishing aid and comfort to her enemies. This company deserves great credit for the vigilance they have exercised in protecting the adjoining country from marauding bands of Lincoln’s soldiery, as also to prevent disloyal Virginians from furnishing supplies to the enemy.”

—Jefferson Davis issued instructions to privateers sailing under his letters of marque. —(Doc. 192.)

—Gen. Butler, desiring to know the precise lay of the land about Fortress Monroe, Va., concluded to pay a visit to the neighboring village of Hampton. Col. Phelps’s regiment of Vermonters were detailed for the reconnoissance, and took up the march across the dyke and bridge leading from the Fortress to the Hampton side of the bay. Observing the movement, the rebels rushed down to the bridge, and, with combustibles ready, prepared to set fire to it. At this the advance guard of the Vermonters took the double quick step, and before the fire had made much headway were down on the burning bridge and rebels. The latter fled precipitately, and the former was soon rescued from destruction. A field-piece, which the rebels had planted in the neighborhood, was unceremoniously pitched into the bay. Gen. Butler pushed on and completed the reconnoissance, to the infinite disgust of the rebels, and, probably, of John Tyler in particular, whose villa is not far distant. The ground for the permanent encampment was selected on the farm of Mr. Segor at the end of the bridge, and to-morrow will be the first permanent occupation of the soil of Virginia, made by Capt. Carr’s and Col. Phelps’s Regiments, who will go into encampment there.—N. Y. Tribune, May 27.

—The Wheeling(Va.) Intelligencer of today, says:—That the first belligerent issue between the “Union men” of Western Virginia and the “State troops “ recognizing the authority of the Southern Confederacy, has been joined at the town of Clarksburg, in the county of Harrison. Two companies of the Confederate military having marched into that place on the 20th instant, the court-house bell was rung as a signal for the assemblage of the two “Union military companies” of Clarksburg, under the command of Captains A. C. Moore and J. C. Vance, who demanded that the “Confederate forces” should surrender their arms and disband. After a brief parley the demand was complied with.

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