Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events – May 25, 1861

May 25, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

—Colonel Duryea’s Zouaves arrived at Fortress Monroe, Va., this morning by the Alabama, and encamped near the Hampton Bridge, with the Vermont and Troy regiments. The Pembroke also arrived with two companies of Massachusetts troops. There are now about 6,000 men within or under the walls of the fortress. The Quaker City came up to the fortress with a rich prize this morning—the bark Winifred, of Richmond, from Rio Janeiro, laden with coffee. Gen. Butler, accompanied by acting Adjutant-Gen. Tallmadge, and his aids, made a dashing reconnoissance several miles between the James and York Rivers. A picket guard of rebels fled on their approach.

Three fugitives, the property of Col. Mallory, commander of the rebel forces near Hampton, were brought in to Fortress Monroe by the picket guard yesterday. They represent that they were about to be sent South, and hence sought protection. Major Cary came in with a flag of truce, and claimed their rendition under the Fugitive Slave law, but was informed by Gen. Butler that, under the peculiar circumstances, he considered the fugitives contraband of war, and had set them to work inside the fortress. Col. Mallory, however, was politely informed that so soon as he should visit the fortress and take a solemn oath to obey the laws of the United States, his property would promptly be restored.—N. Y. Tribune, May 27.

—The New Orleans Picayune of to-day says: “One week hence there will not be any available mode of letter or newspaper express or telegraphic communication between the Confederate and the United States. Our Postmaster-General has announced his determination to assume the discharge of the duties of his office on the 1st day of June. From that date all existing U. S. mail contracts, so far as we are concerned, will have been annulled. Meantime, the Washington Administration adopt the same policy, and to make non-intercourse thoroughly impossible, prohibit express companies from carrying express matter, inclusive of letters, across the Potomac River. By order of the commanding general U. S. A., at Washington, Adams’ Express was opened on the 16th inst., and all such matter was stopped. Without mail or express communication with the North, and the carrying of mail matter by individuals being considered in the light of treasonable communication with the enemy, in a few days we shall have but scant opportunity of enriching our columns with interesting intelligence from the other side of the border. We might get an occasional budget by the way of Havana, but we suppose it is intended by the despotic clique at Washington that the blockade shall prevent that. Won’t it be queer to read, hereafter, the latest news from way down east, via Paris and London?

“Well, we suppose we can stand it as well as they can on the other side of the line. Let us see who will first get tired of the embargo.”

—The First Regiment N. Y. Volunteers, Col. Allen, left New York for the seat of war. —(Doc. 196.)

—Funeral ceremonies over the body of Col. Ellsworth took place in Washington. The remains lay in state in the east room of the President’s house for several hours. Owing to the immense throng of anxious gazers on the remains of the deceased, the funeral cortege delayed moving from the Executive Mansion till near 1 o’clock. All along the line of Pennsylvania avenue flags were displayed at half-mast and draped in mourning. Every available point, including the windows, balconies, and house-tops, was thronged with anxious and sorrowful gazers. Various testimonials of respect were paid. All the bells of the city were tolled, and the heads of the soldiers and troops uncovered. Several companies of the City Corps, followed by the New York Seventy-first Regiment, Marines, and the local Cavalry Corps, formed the military escort, with their arms reversed and colors shrouded. The hearse was followed by a detachment of Zouaves, one of whom, the avenger of Col. Ellsworth, carried the identical secession flag torn down by the deceased. Then followed the President, accompanied by Secretaries Seward and Smith, and the rest of the procession was composed of carriages, containing the captains of the Zouave Regiment.—N. Y. Times, May 26

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