Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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A Diary of American Events – May 26, 1861

May 26, 2011

The American Civil War,The Rebellion Record—A Diary of American Events; by Frank Moore

—A letter from Major Sprague, U. S. A., giving an account of affairs in Texas, since the arrest of the federal troops in that locality, was published in the Albany (N. Y.) Argus.— (Doc. 197.)

—The privateer Calhoun, Capt. Wilson, arrived at New Orleans, La., having in tow the following prizes: schooners John Adams and Mermaid, of Provincetown, Mass., and the brig Panama, of Boston, Mass.; all these are whalers, and have on board about 215 bbls. of sperm and black whale oil. They were taken about 10 miles from the passes; their crews number 63 men; and all of them told that these vessels had been whaling for some time and cruising in the Gulf —Natchez Courier, May 30.

—The Mobile Register of yesterday, after announcing the invasion of Virginia by the Federal troops, observes: “Servile insurrection is a part of their programme, but they expect no great amount of practical good to result therefrom—consequently, it is contended that it would be a far better course of policy for the Abolitionists to murder the slaves and thus exterminate slavery. A more monstrous proposition could not emanate from the most incarnate fiend among the damned. But infamous as it is it finds an advocate in the abolition press. The slaves are to be indiscriminately slaughtered, and when the last one is butchered, then it it is thought the institution will cease to exist. The soul recoils in horror at the idea of an unscrupulous war upon the innocent and defenseless slave. The Syrian massacre of the Christians and all the crimes of its bloody participants pale before the proposed atrocities of the Black Republicans. Their masters, however, in this, as all other instances, will be their protectors and saviors. With this much of their published programme, we must not be surprised at any act or threat as the campaign advances.”

—A correspondent writes from Montgomery to the New Orleans Delta:—”The startling intelligence of the invasion of the soil of Virginia, and the actual occupation of Alexandria by United States forces, was received here last evening. The Cabinet, I am informed, immediately went into a procrastinated session. No event since the initiation of this revolution has ever created a sensation so profound, and so sorrowful. The mere taking of a deserted and exposed village, is in itself nothing; but when regarded as indicative of the future policy of the old Government, it at once becomes a question pregnant with great importance. Mr. Lincoln has declared in his proclamation, and at various other times reiterated the expression, that the only object his Government had in view, was the retaking and the reoccupation of what he asserted to be Government property; but now, in the face of this promise, which has gone before the world, he converts his Abolition horde into an army of invasion, and now occupies a city within the boundaries of our Republic. This Government has no longer an election. Its duty is now manifest to all. The nation must rise as a man and drive the hireling miscreants from a soil polluted by the foulness of their tramp. Virginia alone could speedily perform the work of expurgation, but her cause is now our cause, her battles our battles, and let the Government at large pour a continuous stream of men into Virginia, and preserve from dishonor that patriotic mother of States.”

—The rebel Congress passed an act to prohibit the exportation of cotton, except through Southern seaports.—(Doc. 198.)

—This afternoon at about 4 o’clock, Gen. McClellan, commanding the military department of Ohio, received information that two bridges had been burned near Farmington, on the B. & O. R. R., and that arrangements had been made to burn the others between that point and Wheeling. The general had been making arrangements to move on Grafton in force, but this intelligence caused him to hasten his movements. He returned at once to Cincinnati and issued telegraphic orders for an advance. One column was directed to move from Wheeling and Bellaire, under command of Col. B. F. Kelly, 1st Virginia Volunteers; another from Marietta, on Parkersburg, under Col. Steedman, 14th Ohio Volunteers. These officers were directed to move with caution, and to occupy all the bridges, etc., as they advanced. A proclamation to Virginians, and address to the troops, were issued by Gen. McClellan simultaneously with the advance.—(Doc. 199.)

—The First Regiment of New Hampshire Volunteers, Colonel Tappan, passed through New York on their way to the seat of war. The regiment left Camp Union, at Concord, yesterday morning. Its progress through Massachusetts and Connecticut was an ovation, crowds assembling at all the stations to give them a greeting.—(Doc. 200.)

—Postmaster-General Blair issued the following order:—”All postal service in the States of Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Arkansas, and Texas, will be suspended from and after the 31st inst. Letters for offices temporarily closed by this order, will be forwarded to the dead letter office, except those for Western Virginia, which will be sent to Wheeling.”—Boston Transcript, May 27.

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