—At 8 o’clock this afternoon the steamer Maryland, with other transports, arrived at Baltimore with 1,800 troops from Perryville. They consist of five companies of the 3d Infantry, regulars, Major Shepherd, 420 men; one company of Sherman’s Battery of Light Artillery, with 6 pieces of cannon and 70 horses, under Major Sherman; and the 1st Regiment, ten companies, of Pennsylvania Artillery, Col. Patterson, armed with muskets, and numbering 800 men. They were landed at Locust Point, one of the termini of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, within half a mile of Fort McHenry, and there transferred on board of two trains of car; which departed immediately.
Two hundred men were left to take charge of the horses, provisions and baggage, and these were to be forwarded at a later hour. The Mayor and Police Commissioners, with two hundred police, crossed in a ferry-boat to Locust Point, and were present at the debarkation.
The Harriet Lane stood off the point with her ports open. The transfer to the cars was accomplished without much difficulty, and there was no excitement other than that which proceeded from the curiosity of the people to witness the proceedings.
The track from Locust Point skirts the lower part of the city, and joins the main stem near Camden Station.—N. Y. Tribune, May 10.
—The Richmond Whig says: “We beg to sanest to all Southern papers the propriety of omitting all mention of the movement of troops within our borders. A word to the wise.”
“The caution is a good one, and might well be extended to correspondents, both private and public, by telegraph and by mail. The caution is the more necessary, because of our large daily correspondence with the people of the North, with whom we are unfortunately at war.”—N. O. Picayune, May 10.
—The Confederate Congress passed an act authorizing the President of the Southern Confederacy to raise such a force for the war as he may deem expedient.—(Doc. 147.)
—The Palmetto Guard left Charleston, S. C., for Virginia. The company numbers eighty-five privates, and is commanded as follows:
Geo. B. Cuthbert, Captain; C. R. Holmes, First Lieutenant; T. S. Brownfield, Second Lieutenant; L. S. Webb, Third Lieutenant; Samuel Robinson, First Sergeant; J. E. Wright, Second Sergeant; G. M. Lalane, Third Ser-geant; H. D. Manahan, Fourth Sergeant; M. J. Darly, Fifth Sergeant; J. B. Boyd, First Corporal; J. E. Gaillard, Second Corporal; A. M. Brailsford, Third Corporal; DeSaussure Edwards, Fourth Corporal; J. E. Dutart, Fifth Corporal; E. W. Bellinger, Sixth Corporal; O. D. Mathews, Quartermaster; R. S. Miller, jr., Commissary.—Charleston Mercury, May 10.
—The Cumberland, Pawnee, Monticello, and Yankee are enforcing the blockade off Fortress Monroe. The Yankee pursued an armed schooner up York River, but after proceeding a short distance was fired upon from a concealed battery, and compelled to return.
The steamers Philadelphia, Baltimore, Powhattan, and Mount Vernon, of the Aquia Creek line, recently taken possession of by the Federal Government, are cruising on the Potomac, all heavily armed. Southern troops are concentrating in the vicinity of Norfolk. An Alabama regiment of 1,100 men, and eighty cadets of the same State, have arrived, and encamped in the vicinity of Fort Norfolk.
The Virginians have five batteries erected in Norfolk harbor; one on Craney Island; one at Sandy Point; one at the Hospital; one near Fort Norfolk, and one on the Bluffs three miles from the Hospital. —N. Y. Evening Post, May 11.
—J. Lawrence Keese, a private in the 8th Company of the 7th Regiment of New York, was accidentally shot at Washington. He was standing in front of his tent washing his hands, when a musket fell from a stack of arms within a few feet of him, and went off, the ball entering his side, passing through his lungs, and killing him almost instantly. He was a young man of fine talents, and greatly esteemed by his comrades.—N. Y. Commercial, May 10.
—Today was strictly observed as a fast-day at Wheeling, Va. Patriotic sermons were delivered in nine out of the twelve churches. The Methodist Church pulpit was decorated with the Stars and Stripes. Rev. Mr. Smith delivered an eloquent address. He said he would hold no fellowship with traitors. If there was a secessionist in his congregation he wanted him to leave. Other ministers prayed that the rebels might be subdued or wiped from the face of the earth.—N. Y. Herald, May 10.
—The steamship Africa arrived at New York from England, bringing the first news of the impression produced in Europe by the reduction of Fort Sumter. The earliest feeling was one of the profoundest gloom and discouragement, but subsequent reflection suggested a probability, eagerly accepted, that hostilities would terminate with the opening act; and that, startled by the shock of arms, the Government and the separated States would have fresh dispositions for an amicable arrangement The notion, founded on the fact that no lives had been lost, also became current; that the affair was merely a sham fight, arranged entirely to cover the evacuation from discredit, and save the reputation of Major Anderson. These ideas were indorsed generally by the journals, who, however, regarded the business as extremely enigmatic, and as needing further enlightenment before final judgment could be passed.— (Doc. 148.)
—Two companies of Southern volunteers from Baltimore, numbering sixty-five men, passed through Frederick, Md., on their way to Virginia. They were under the command of Capts. Wetmore and Price, and unarmed. They marched through the city protected by Gen. Shriver and the sheriff, and their appearance created deep excitement, but no outbreak. A company of about thirty-four volunteers left Frederick early this morning for Harper’s Ferry, under the command of Captain Bradley T. Johnson.—National Intelligencer, May 11.
—The First Regiment of Connecticut Volunteers left New Haven this morning for the seat of war.—N. Y. Tribune, May 10.