July 20th. Early this morning, a side-wheel steamer came up the river. Hoisted two rifle guns off the poop, and transported them forward. Some of the lads on liberty; those remaining on board, some of whom had been ashore and had a little run of it, working with a will, since they were now sure that the old and loved Hartford was homeward bound. The guns, eight in number, had been ordered to be got in readiness for being hoisted out of her, which was a sure indication that they were quite right in believing as they did. During the forenoon, sent two guns and carriages ashore; at three P. M. gunboat Estrella got under way and went down the river; at six forty, inspected crew at evening quarters, and transported two guns from the starboard to port side of deck. This was a good day’s work done, darkness coming on before the boys got through with it.

Cruise of the U.S. Flag-Ship Hartford. – From the Personal Journal of Wm. C. Holton.
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