July 30th. At one thirty A. M. gunboat Albatross went down the river; at ten o’clock gunboat Katandin got under way and steamed down the river; at one P. M. received on board some of Admiral Farragut’s baggage. During the afternoon Mr. Van Denhougle, late Admiral Farragut’s Secretary, reported on board for passage to New York. Sent aloft topmast and topgallant studding sail booms; at four thirty P. M. U. S. steam sloop-of-war Richmond got under way, turned around, and went down the river. As she passed, our lads manned the rigging and gave them three hearty farewell cheers, which they returned. We were well aware our day for following in her path homeward-bound was now near at hand, and she was the messenger sent to announce our coming. The reader need not be informed of the feelings of all on board the Hartford, since he knows all must have been in high spirits.