Aug. 9th. At twelve forty-five A. M., a light reported off port-quarter; at two o’clock took in and furled all the studding and square sails; at six o’clock set all plain sail to royals; at six thirty made a sail off weather bow, proved to be a schooner, standing on same course; weather clear and pleasant; at nine o’clock made a sail off port bow, and at twelve, noon, one right ahead; had inspection at quarters, and performed Divine service; at two P. M., passed a steamer standing to the southward, also passed the John Adams who made her number, which we answered; several sail in sight; at four thirty set all the port studding sails; clear and pleasant; at sundown three sail were in sight.

Cruise of the U.S. Flag-Ship Hartford. – From the Personal Journal of Wm. C. Holton.
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