November 11—We renewed our march this morning and moved down the plank road about four miles, then turned off to the left and moved in a northerly course through an almost barren section of country. About middle of the day we struck the Culpeper and Fredericksburg plank road at Wilderness Run, five miles west of Chancellorsville. We halted here and camped for the remainder of the day and to-night. We are now near the old field hospital in which General Stonewall Jackson’s arm was amputated after the battle of Chancellorsville last May. The house stands on Wilderness Run, in a lonely place about half a mile south of the Culpeper plank road; it is a good-sized farmhouse, built of wood, square, with two porticos and painted a dove color. From the apex of the roof a hospital flag still flutters in the cold November wind.

Three Years in the Confederate Horse Artillery — George Michael Neese.
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