June 13 — Repulsed, defeated, and almost discomfited, the enemy made a precipitate retreat last night, leaving their dead unburied on the field, and also left some of their wounded behind. They evidently looked for and feared a night attack, for they blockaded the road in rear of where their line was yesterday, by felling trees across the way and rendering it impassable for artillery.
This morning when we passed over a portion of the battle-ground that the enemy occupied yesterday I saw several dead artillery horses that were killed by some of our shell yesterday.
This morning we started in pursuit of the retreating raiders, and moved down the Central Railroad, passing through Louisa Court House. Camped to-night four miles below Fredericks Hall. We are moving down the same road that we came up on a few days ago. The Yankee raiders destroyed about four miles of railroad between Louisa Court House and Trevillian Station, which is about all that they accomplished on their extensive raid.