June 18 — This morning a while after sunrise we moved down toward the Mattapony, to graze our horses. After we got about two miles below Vernon Church we came to a beautiful open country bordering on the Mattapony, a plain apparently as level as a lake, stretching for miles along the southwest side of the river. The fields are covered with a luxuriant growth of grass, with here and there large fields of golden wheat waving in the summer breeze ready for harvest. This afternoon we marched to the Pamunkey, where we arrived at dusk; we forded the river at Wickham’s Ford, about six miles from Hanover Court House.
Our whole march this afternoon was between the Mattapony and the Pamunkey, through a beautiful and fertile country of level land and fine farms in a state of good cultivation. We are camped to-night at Wickham’s Crossing on the Central Railroad, about five miles west of Hanover Court House.