Saturday, 5th.—Setting out on his return between daybreak and sunrise, McNairy arrived at Camp Buckner a little after dark, and reported the result of his reconnaissance to Zollicoffer, who, on the next day, the 6th, sent the following communication to A. S. Johnston:
A reconnoitering detachment has just returned from London, reporting no appearance of an enemy there. They report, upon general information from country people, that there are 3,300 of the enemy encamped on Rockcastle hills (Wildcat), a strong position thirteen miles beyond, where the Mount Vernon road crosses the Rockcastle River.
I would move forward and attack them instantly but for unexpected deficiency in subsistence stores. Ten days ago I ordered the brigade commissary to accumulate a stock of thirty days’ rations for 5,000 men. To-day I have not five days’ rations. I could not properly advance with less than ten. I hope soon to have the supplies.
I sent a large detachment into Harlan county, where I heard there were 500 or 600 men embodied under arms. No organized enemy found.
I have sent a cavalry detachment to Williamsburg, some thirty miles west. Not yet returned. This is nearly my only means of getting information of the country.