Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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“News in the City seems to be rather scarce.”—Horatio Nelson Taft

October 30, 2011

Diary of US patent clerk Horatio Nelson Taft.


Another delightful day, have not been round much. Was at the Pat office awhile, met my old friend Burrows Hyde of Jersey City. Have been trying my hand at soldering up holes in tin ware, succeeded pretty well. Wife and Julia are at Mr Middletons, our neighbors. Julia spent last evening at Doct Everitts. I went up after her at 9 o’clock & staid an hour. News in the City seems to be rather scarce.


The three diary manuscript volumes, Washington during the Civil War: The Diary of Horatio Nelson Taft, 1861-1865, are available online at The Library of  Congress.

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