Washington Sunday Feb’y 15 1863.
Went to the Senate Chamber this morning at 11. and heard G B Cheever the celebrated radical Abolitionist preach, or rather declaim against Slavery. I never heard the man before and had some curiosity to hear what he would say. The Senate Chamber was crowded. I did not leave the Capitol till I had visited the other chamber and taken a look at the “Westward Emigrants” of Leutze, and the marble Washington. I did not know last Sunday (when I first saw it) that it was taken from Baton Rouge L.a. and sent here as a trophy. It is realy too beautiful a thing to be owned by any but Loyal citizens. The Rebels have no business with Washington, at least until they return to their duty as good citizens of the Union. It rained by spells all night and it has been a misty disagreeable day, and went over and spent the afternoon at Charleys taking dinner with them. Came back to my room about dark, and did not go out again. Doct Smith held service in his church today for the first time since it was vacated by the soldiers. The number of soldiers in the Hospitals in the City has greatly decreased and there is now 15,000 vacant beds in them, in and around the City. Another great Battle may fill them.