Thursday March 12th 1863
A bright pleasant morning but followed by snow and wind, quite cold tonight. Capt Swan came up from the Army and called on me today. Maj E. P. Taft got a furlough to go home and was in one of the Govt offices this morning haveing his papers approved when he fell down in a fit in the office and was insensible for some time. He recovered however after an hour or two and started for home on the 61/2 train. The attack was occasioned no doubt by mental excitement on account of dispatch which he had read relating to his little boys sickness together with considerable physical debility. Met Norton Spencer, son of A.O.S., formerly of Lyons. I have not seen him for some years. He was one of McClellans aids on the Peninsula last summer. Also met at the National my old friend A B Dickerson, U.S. Minister to Nicaragua, just returned, had a long conversation with him in reference to that country. He has just been appointed US Marshall of the Northern District of NY. No news of any great importance today. The N.H. Election came off on the 10th, result uncertain. I fear there will be trouble in some of the Northern States on account of the Conscription. It is thought by many that a Draft will be resisted with arms. I think that those who go into that will get into bad business and come to grief.