March 20th 1864
On Friday last Julia and myself went on board the Govt Steamer at 3 o’clock P.M. and were landed at Rosiers Bluff or rather Fort Foot in about an hour after. I remained overnight and returned yesterday, leaving Julia to spend a few days with her Cousins Maj E P Taft and family. There is now about Six hundred men there and the Fort seems to be completed but the guns are not all mounted yet. There is one 400 pounder mounted and a number of 200 pounder Parrots. Lieut Col Seward is now in Com[ma]nd. His Lady came up on the Boat with me and I saw her safely landed and through the Street cars to the Secretarys House on 16th St. On my return I found a letter for Julia from her particular friend Capt McLeod now with the Army of the Cumberland in Tennessee. He is on Genl Garrards Staff. I mailed it to her without delay as I presumed She was anxious to hear from him and I was willing she should, and was not disposed to pry into their secrets by opening it. She has shown me his letters before and I doubt not will show me this if I desire her to do so as she is very open and frank with me in regard to him and all others who pay attention to her. Julia is a very discreet girl, very careful of her steps, and of the company she keeps. She will not go on to “the Avenue” alone, or without a Gentleman with her, after 12 o’clock A.M. for shoping or any other purpose. Consequently I always feel quite confident that she is safe whenever I miss her from the house. We shall start for home about the first of next month. I expect her up from the Fort in three or four days but she is enjoying herself riding on horseback and otherwise so much that she may stay a little longer.