Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

J.B. Jones needs assistance in writing letters (and one of two cartoon images of Jones).

July 3, 2011

A Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital, By John Beauchamp Jones,The American Civil War

John Beauchamp Jones images.

john beauchamp jones cartoon

The only actual images of Jones that I have been able to find online are as a minor figure in two political cartoons from before the civil war when he was the editor of a newspaper, the “Madisonian.” For this image, during the 1844 presidential contest,  Democratic presidential nominee James Polk is portrayed as a buckskinned hunter who has treed “coons” Henry Clay and Theodore Frelinghuysen. (Clay’s nickname “that old coon” had wide currency in the campaign.)

See the full cartoon at the Library of Congress website.


JULY 3D—The Secretary said to me to-day that he desired my young friend, the classical teacher, to assist me in writing letters. I told him I needed assistance, and Mr. Jacques was qualified. Major Tyler’s ill health keeps him absent half the time. There was abundance of work for both of us. Mr. J. is an agreeable companion, and omitted no opportunity to oblige me. But he trenches on the major’s manor, and can write as long letters as any one. I would never write them, unless the subject-matter demanded it; and so, all the answers marked “full” by the Secretary, when the sum and substance is to be merely an affirmative or a negative, will fall to my co laborer’s share.

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