July 24th. Warm pleasant day; towards evening foggy. Porter’s corps was reviewed to-day, and a whole host of Second corps officers rode over to see how it looked. It is the only corps that has any so-called regular infantry. There is one brigade only; the regiments are small battalions, generally commanded by company officers, and are inferior in appearance to scores of volunteer regiments. The Fifth New York is brigaded with them and is by all odds the finest regiment in the whole corps. As a whole, the corps looked soldierly and are a well disciplined body of troops, but we thought not equal to the Second corps. Our regiments average greater strength, and carry themselves more soldierly; there are few regimental commanders like Brooke and Zook and Cross; and, then, Sumner never tires in disciplining everybody, even himself I don’t mean to say we have no poor regiments, because we have; but they are very few in number.

“As a whole, the corps looked soldierly and are a well disciplined body of troops…” –Diary of Josiah Marshall Favill.
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