September 6th, Friday. At noon we struck tents and marched through a lovely country to Rockville, where the whole corps went into bivouac. This place is about twenty five miles northwest of Washington, and nearly ten from the Potomac.
The army has been divided into wings, Sumner has the Second and Twelfth corps, Franklin the Fifth, and Sixth, and Burnside the First and Ninth.
What a superb opportunity is once more offered McClellan to achieve enduring fame. He has an immense army, well equipped and disciplined and eager for the fray; brains, and genius only are wanting to accomplish the greatest results.
The possibilities of a disaster to our arms at this juncture are so momentous that every man feels the necessity of doing his utmost, regardless of all personal considerations. Baltimore, Washington, and perhaps Philadelphia would be the prizes to fall into the hands of the rebels if successful, and that is surely enough to stimulate us to the highest deeds of valor.