September 13. Remained in bivouac yesterday near Clarksburg, and this morning marched for Frederick City, arriving in the afternoon. As we entered the main street the drums sounded attention, and the troops marched in regular order, with bands playing and colors flying. We were received with open arms by the inhabitants, who crowded the streets and sidewalks, waving handkerchiefs, and showing every manifestation of delight. Women and girls ran into the ranks handing out water, pies, bouquets and handkerchiefs, and were beside themselves with joy. The crowd, indeed, was so great; that we had all we could do to keep our horses from stepping on them. When the Fifty-second regiment reached the principal part of the town, it broke out into one of its sonorous and magnificent war songs, producing a wonderful effect. This is the first real opportunity we have had of showing off to our grateful countrywomen, and we made the most of it, displaying our horsemanship to the best advantage. We passed through the town, going into bivouac on the western side. As soon as the troops were established in bivouac, Colonel Parisen and I rode back to town, ant spent the evening there, meeting a lot of army fellows we had long lost sight of. Frederick City is nearly fifty miles northwest of Washington and is close to the South Mountain range. The whole of the army is near by and the enemy between us and the Potomac.