May 12th. The troops are in good condition again, fully recovered from the late mud campaign and waiting for some thing to turn up. In the meantime, the men, at least some of them, are gardening again, and the seeds planted early are, in fact, up and growing fast. Many changes have occurred amongst the commanding officers. Couch is to leave us, as we hear, on account of his distaste for present commanders. He has served with the Second corps since Sumner retired and is a very quiet, sensible, competent officer, but looks more like a Methodist minister than a soldier. Our own gallant Hancock takes the corps’ command, and Brigadier-General John C. Caldwell, now commanding the First brigade, will assume command of the division. Hooker’s successor has not been heard from so far, but, of course, he will not be retained in command.

“Many changes have occurred amongst the commanding officers.” –Diary of Josiah Marshall Favill.
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