April 30th. On the 25th it rained and was very cold and disagreeable; received authoritative information of the speedy arrival of the paymaster, so distributed blank muster rolls to company commanders, with orders to have them filled out promptly. At noon time the whole regiment was detailed for fatigue duty in the trenches, field and staff remaining in camp. The regiment returned to camp this morning, and was immediately mustered for pay. Captain McKay, who was in command, reported very favorably on the conduct of the men who worked well and paid little attention to the shells the enemy fired at them. They looked very muddy and tired and were glad to get back again. Major Potter, the paymaster, arrived last night and put up with us. He is a good looking man who enjoys being in the field immensely and joined in the sport last evening with enthusiasm. He brought along a patent camp cot, which took about an hour to set up and afforded us a lot of fun. We initiated the major in the matter of army drinks (field drinks) and found him a man of excellent taste. He paid the regiment off very quickly during the day.

Mustered for pay.–Diary of Josiah Marshall Favill.
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