Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

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On the death of Lieutenant James McKibbin.–Diary of Josiah Marshall Favill.

May 26, 2012

Diary of a Young Officer–Josiah Marshall Favill (57th New York Infantry)

May 26th. Rained all day long, again making operations difficult and disagreeable. A meeting of the officers of the regiment was held, the colonel presiding, during the afternoon, when the following resolution was prepared, and read by Lieutenant C. B. Curtiss:

“Whereas, it has seemed good to the All Wise Dispenser of human events to remove from our midst our late brother in arms, and friend, Lieutenant James McKibbin, quartermaster of the regiment, and acting quartermaster of the brigade. Resolved, That we deeply deplore the sad event that has withdrawn from the stormy scenes in which his usefulness was conspicuous, one, who by his assiduous attention to his military duties, and whose engaging social virtues cause us to mourn him equally as a faithful soldier and an honored friend. Resolved, That fully assured it requires a more elevated spirit and a higher patriotism, to yield calmly to death among friends, than to rush forth to meet him when he comes with the shock of arms, we cannot count his death less glorious than that of the soldier who dies on the battle field; for he too, died for his country. Resolved, That in their bereavement, we tender to the family of the deceased our unaffected sympathies, with the assurance that our sorrow, if it be not so deep, is not less sincere than theirs. Especially, with her, who was the sharer of his life, and the children, whom he left behind do we sorrow, humbly trusting that He who tempers the wind to the shorn lamb, may give the strength and consolation it is beyond the capacity of the human heart to impart. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased.”

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