May 27th. Rained hard until noon; the river is rising, and the low grounds are all under water. On the 25th, the fourth corps marched forward to Seven Pines, on the main turnpike road, and is intrenching. The third corps crossed the river, and is in support of the fourth. Hooker’s division has gone to the White Oak Swamp bridge, and Kearny’s to Savage Station, on the York river railroad; this leaves Franklin. Sumner and Porter north of the river, with most of the cavalry. General headquarters are established at Gaines’ Mill and all is ready now for the great battle, as soon as the roads dry up. We hear to-night that McDowell’s army is not coming to join us, on account of the serious turn in affairs in the valley, which if true, is unfortunate for us; but we must have enough men in this fine army to win, if properly led. Courage Messieurs! who’s afraid!

All is ready now for the great battle, as soon as the roads dry up.–Courage Messieurs! who’s afraid! –Diary of Josiah Marshall Favill.
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