May 29th. Weather fair, and ground drying up. Had a fine battalion drill during the morning, all hands on parade; about noon, a body of prisoners over six hundred strong marched through our camp, to the rear; they were captured yesterday by Porter, and are a dirty, unhappy looking set of fellows, more like tramps than soldiers. Wrote to the lieutenant colonel, who is unluckily at home sick. Detailed Captain Jones, with Company H, for duty at Dispatch station. H is an excellent company, and Jones a good reliable officer. I also detailed Company K, Captain La Valley, by order of the colonel, in the afternoon, to guard the rebel prisoners, from corps headquarters to the White House. It turned out seventy-six muskets strong, and looked splendidly. What a contrast they made to the forlorn prisoners, but still these men have an ugly look, and one would scarcely like to meet them alone after dark, they give us an idea of guerrillas in their slouch hats, and gaunt, half starved figures. I noticed they took very kindly to the grub, which our men generously gave them.