June 15th. Weather hot and uncomfortable. Had a regimental inspection in the morning, found the men fully equipped. Company G joined us to-day from Dispatch Station, where it has been on duty since our arrival on the Pamunkey. At 6 P. M. General French sent for all the regimental commanders and told them there was a report that the rebels intended making an attack on the works to-night; they are to wear white bands in their hats, to distinguish them, and hope to capture the army of the Potomac asleep. The orders are to inspect the arms and load the pieces, issue extra ammunition, and remain all night on the color line, sleeping on our arms. I hope the report may prove true, and that they will come, but none of us believe it possible.

A report that the rebels intend making an attack on the works to-night.–Diary of Josiah Marshall Favill.
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