4th.—The fourth has come and gone, but brought no fight, and our great Republic has passed another anniversary, if not in safety, in integrity, for its flag yet floats over the loyal men of every State, and the sunset salute of thirty-four guns, proclaims that we are yet an integral. But for the bombast of General McClellan’s proclamation of to-day, we should feel sad. That makes us laugh. Shut up in a little bend of the James River, not daring to venture a single mile from his encampment, he commences digging and peeping from his ditch to see that Lee is not in sight, he cries thus: “On this, our Nation’s birthday, we declare to our foes, who are rebels against the best interests of Mankind, that this army shall enter the Capital of their so-called Confederacy.” Stuff! Has he forgotten that last winter he promised that under him we should have no more defeats?

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L. Castleman.
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