Following the American Civil War Sesquicentennial with day by day writings of the time, currently 1863.

Post image for “Rubeolous fever”–Journal of Surgeon Alfred L. Castleman.

“Rubeolous fever”–Journal of Surgeon Alfred L. Castleman.

August 12, 2011

Journal of Surgeon Alfred L Castleman.

12th.—Sixteen of my sick have so far recovered that I sent them to-day to join their regiment at Kalorama Heights, near Washington. I have quite recovered from my attack, which was rubeolous fever. I had been so much mixed up with measles that, notwithstanding I had passed through the disease in childhood, the system in some degree yielded to its contagious influence, and I have had all the symptoms of measles, except the eruption. I have termed this rubeoloid, or rubeolous fever. It is common in camp.

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