Camp 1st Mass. H. A., May 29.
Dear Family:
Your last was rec’d. The great review has passed, it was a beautiful day. The Regt. was composed of six companies. I was the left guide of the color Co.; many were the remarks about our tattered banners. The ladies kept their handkerchiefs going all the time. I should have thought they would have got tired by night. The streets were crowded full to over flowing. The absorbing topic is when are we to be discharged? Jerry, I hear stories of your flirtations out here. George, now you are 21, you should make your appearance with a tall hat, cigar in your mouth, a fighting dog under your carriage; try and keep up to the times; wait till I get home and then there will be no chance for you, better get married now. News is so scarce with us that it is hard to make up a letter. The boys sleep most of the 24 hours.
As ever, Lev.