14th. Moved out at daylight. When 6 miles from the South Anna ground squirrel bridge, my battalion was ordered forward at a trot to support the 1st Conn. in a chase after Early with 300 men. Kept up the chase 12 miles. Crossed the Chickahominy—10 miles from Richmond—scattered the force. Custer offered 30 days’ furlough to the captor of Early. Kept up the trot into Ashland, recrossing Chickahominy. No force. Very sore, chafed and tired. Moved back north of South Anna. Many horses played out. Ours did well. Lost but one. Held them at a square trot. Anniversary of an eventful day in my life. Have thought a great deal today of this day a year ago and the other days near them. It makes me sad to review them.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney
Previous post: Civil War Diary of Charles H. Lynch.