31st. Cleared up soon after sunrise, but did not remain so long. Very heavy firing. Musketry and artillery to the right of and beyond Dinwiddie C. H. Very uneasy to know how the day is going. God grant us victory. Success now, the capture of the Southside and the Danville R. R. must bring peace soon. We can leave the cause in God’s care. On to Dinwiddie—there at 6 P. M. 1st Div. all driven back. 3rd Div. engaged. 3rd N. J. ammunition exhausted. Go up at a trot, dismount and go in. Doublequicked half a mile—came upon infantry line which opened fire and charged. Had to fall back quickly. Horse wounded. Many good men lost. Fortified and lay on our arms.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney
Previous post: A Diary From Dixie.