1st. Commenced moving across at 4 and all the regiments over by 9 A. M. Some fortifications on both sides of the river; Zollicoffer’s old huts still there. Moved on and overtook the 1st Battalion at Monticello. H, E, M in advance of column continually. Skirmishing. Four miles beyond M. found the rebels in force on two roads leading to Albany and Traversville. Howitzers, 1st. Ky., 45th O. V. I. on the Albany roads, 2nd O. V. C. on Traversville. In line near the woods. Co. D dismounted to fight on foot. Rebels broke. Pike fired 5 rounds at them, 500 or 600 yards, wounding some. Gave my canteen to one wounded man. Pursued two or three miles, ordered back. Several prisoners. Ate supper where one wounded 1st Tennessee man was, Andrew Johnson. Marched back to Monticello.