14th. Up and breakfasted before sunrise. Skirmishing commenced before fairly on the road. 2nd called to the front, Co. C as skirmishers on left of the road in open field. Ordered to gain a piece. Deployed and advanced. When 10 rods from the woods, opened upon us. Boys dropped behind apple trees and fence and replied, waiting for skirmishers on the right. Bullets whistled close, when Battery on right opened a way to our rear and fired near us. Fell back behind the fence till they came up, then advanced into the woods. Could hear their train and sent word twice, but the right didn’t advance soon enough. Had several good shots. Sergt. Bail wounded in the thigh. Good boy. Soon mounted and advanced within two miles of B. Dismounted and doublequicked two miles, to take a battery. Got out of the way. Spit blood. Played out. Camped four miles back. Rest was sweet.