10th. Soon after breakfast brigade ordered to Morristown on a reconnoissance. Sent June to see about rations and left the rest of the boys to go for cattle and pork. At the river encountered rebel pickets. Drove them back on Morristown and Cheek’s Cross Roads. Drove the pickets steadily. 2nd O. V. C. on X roads, 9th Mich. and 7th O. V. C. and section of Artillery on M. road. Mile from M. found rebels posted in woods and cornfield behind a fence. Artillery brought up and men dismounted in front and 9th sent to the flank. Soon commenced in earnest. Our A. did badly, rebel artillery first rate. At dusk 9th made a charge and routed three regiments, 8, 21, 36th Va., from intrenchments. About 50 rebels killed. Our loss slight.

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney
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