5th. Orders to march at 4 o’clock. Got up in time for breakfast. Today our forces seem to abandon Brandy Station, and the railroad. Most of the army across the Rapidan and Germania Ford. Reached the ford with 300 cattle at 10. Four companies reported to Gen. Wilcox. Infantry crossing all day, 9th Corps. A very warm day. Dusty roads, faces all crisped. Rapidan a narrow rocky bottom, high banks, rapid stream. Rappahannock narrow and less rapid. Went into camp about a mile from the river, rode out Pike to our pickets. Rebel pickets in sight. Very heavy firing on the left in the 6th Sedgwicks Corps. Quite heavy loss. Rumor that Butler was in Petersburg and Thomas fighting at Dalton. (Beginning of Grant’s attack on Lee and the Campaign of the Wilderness.)

War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney
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