15th. Moved out on Richmond road, and Malvern Hill road till we encountered the enemy. Six companies of our regiment on extreme left skirmish line—rest in reserve, till the 18 P. V. were driven back in a little disorder; then the six companies were ordered in. So much confusion on part of 18th that we were into the rebs or they into us before we knew it. Then came confusion of orders. Our boys saw rebel infantry. Did them some damage. By order fell back a few rods and then held our line. One of Co. A killed and one of Co. M wounded. After one-half hour ordered to fall back. Nettleton’s Batt. holding the rebs—mounted—2 men wounded and 3 horses killed. Awfulest place for a fight we were ever in. Very thick pine brush and few trees. Woods on fire and smoke almost intolerable. Got out well. Fell back to junction of roads. I dismounted to fight. 2nd Ohio on picket. Co. M. ordered back to Smith’s store where we had fought. Rebs came in rear. Killed Sergt. Edson. One missing. Quiet till morning. Deep sleep. Rations issued. We failed to get any. Oh this is the most fatiguing work we ever did.
War Diary of Luman Harris Tenney
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